what are the restrictions in each country


The government has prepared a special report with which it requests discourage travel abroad by Argentines and residents of the country. He did so through a document published on Wednesday by the Ministry of the Interior through the National Directorate of Migration.

The list details the bans Argentinians – and other foreigners, of course – face in the most sought-after countries here, such as the case of Germany, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Spain, United States, France, Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay.

Even so, as this newspaper learned, with the restrictions of the pandemic and the high dollar in Argentina, only 5% of those who have done so normally travel abroad. By the way, the government has already said months ago that it will no longer take care of people stranded abroad. This is almost one of the clauses that passengers accept in the so-called travel affidavits administered by Migrations.

“The administration of borders in the world in the context of the pandemic” is the name of the Migration document to which he had access Bugle. This recommends to “Argentines intending to travel” to consult the embassies and consulates of the countries and to continue to impose entry restrictions for foreigners, as part of the measures they have against the spread of COVID.

A migration report establishes the requirements that each country imposes to receive Argentines.  Photo: Mario Quinteros

A migration report establishes the requirements that each country imposes to receive Argentines. Photo: Mario Quinteros

And it is released this Wednesday, two days after the new border restrictions became known, the ban on entry to the country for foreigners or non-residents, unless they are direct relatives, and the extension of the call. Preventive and compulsory social distances until February 28.

Within the government, they report that the ministry headed by Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro has prepared this report on the basis of others that already exist in the world today, such as the one that has, for example, state department which discourages citizens residing in the United States from traveling to different countries for various reasons.

“Rather than discourage, we advise against traveling abroad in the context of the pandemic unless it is strictly necessary. Today, the conditions of entry into each country and those of international flights change every day, ”the director of migration told this newspaper, Florence carignano, which, in addition to extending border closures, maintained the suspension of flights to and from the UK and established a program with fewer flights from the United States, Mexico, Europe and Brazil.

“Countries are closing borders or increasing air routes for health reasons and this poses risks for Argentines abroad. We are not asking you not to travel, but to postpone your departure abroad as much as possible until travel conditions are more stable. If it is for the holidays, we suggest you postpone it or search for national destinations ”, Carignano said and assured that the new strains which are causing serious problems in several countries and which have not yet reached Argentina are also a risk to health.

“Anything that can delay the arrival of these strains in the country is in the interest of being able to vaccinate as many Argentines as possible,” he said.

The new Migrations report highlights, for example, that Germany does not authorize entry into its territory except for natives and residents of countries of the European Economic Community or of Switzerland and their relatives. And it details the sanitary requirements to do this. In the case of Brazil, it indicates that “flights from South Africa and the United Kingdom have been suspended and it does not allow people who have stayed in these countries in the last 14 days”.

It was also reported that Canada was banning residents from entering its territory, as those entering were to remain in quarantine in hotels for about three days, paid for by the citizens themselves.

Spain has restricted movement to citizens of the European Union for special cases until March with certain requirements. In the case of other nationalities, they enter with medical insurance and Flights from the UK are not permitted.

While The United States requests a RAP 72 hours in advance to all those authorized to enter said territory, and prohibited to those traveling from China, Iran, the European Schengen area, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil and South Africa. For its part, France does not authorize the entry of people coming from outside the European zone and limits their own exits abroad.

Britain has banned all passengers who have stayed in recent days in a large list of countries that includes Argentina. E Italy only allows entry of passengers on March 5, with some exceptions. Uruguay does not allow the entry or transit of non-resident aliens unless they are Argentinian, Brazilian or Paraguayan, or resident in these countries, but only in transit through Montevideo or Punta del Este.



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