what are the symptoms of the Delta variant


Symptoms of the Delta variant are:

  • Cough continues
  • Fever
  • Loss or change in smell or taste
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose

The symptoms are more associated with a cold. For this reason, many people do not feel very sick and go on with their lives, thus becoming a source of contagion. Faced with this situation, specialists recommend that in the event of symptoms, tests be carried out and that they respect strict isolation.


The Delta variant, also known as the B.1.6172, has been noted for its ability to replicate faster than others. “It is transmitted twice as much as the Alpha variant», He assured Soumya Swaminathan, head of the scientific department of this international organization dependent on the UN.

Delta variant: origin

The variant was first detected in October 2020 in India. It has become the most contagious strain of those discovered on the European continent, being a 60% more transmissible than the British and the rest of the previous variants.

However, there are variants of more concern, such as the Alpha (British variant), Beta (South Africa) and Gem (Brazilian).

They are considered “disturbing variants” those which are characterized by greater transmissibility or cause an increase in virulence or a change in the clinical picture or reduce the effectiveness of social and health measures or available diagnostics, vaccines and therapies.

Variant Delta SARS-Cov2.jpg

Delta variant.

Courtesy: health consultant

Which vaccines are effective against the Delta variant of Covid-19

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, Pfizer and AstraZeneca has shown an immune response against the Delta variant, as long as the full doses. The vaccine Pfizer has an efficiency of 88% against the Delta variant, against 95% against the original virus. And the AstraZeneca achieves an efficiency of 67%, compared to 92% effectiveness against the original strain.

While a study presented by Johnson & johnson demonstrates that the single dose of Janssen generates strong and persistent activity against the Indian variant and other currents. In contrast, according to a study conducted by New York University, the levels of antibodies generated were very low and those who received this vaccine might even need the application of a booster.

The vaccine Sputnik V it is effective against the resistant variant because it produces protective neutralizing antibodies. Applied at two doses, it has an effectiveness of approximately 90%, against 92% recorded against the original virus, according to the Gamaleya Institute.

The vaccine Sinopharm, According to a study between the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka and the University of Oxford, it generated levels of antibodies similar to those developed against the original virus after both doses. The Chinese pharmaceutical company announced that the efficacy of the vaccine against the original virus is 79%.

Sure the same lines, Modern gave similar efficacy to the original virus. But, for the moment, there is no percentage. In any case, according to a study carried out by Canadian scientists, it has been shown that it achieves an efficiency of 72% with the first dose. There are no published studies that demonstrate efficacy after the second dose.

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