What arouses the series of Marie Kondo in Mendoza


To order with Marie Kondo, the bet of Netflix About order and harmony, he arouses fury in Argentina and arouses interest in it, even for those who least expected it.

The series emphasizes the importance of organizing everything and organizing everything according to the location, making people aware of everything they have. And from there, to be able to select the things or things that we like the most and generate happiness for us.

Those objects that transmit happiness to us preserve them, which we do not need anymore or more, thank them for what they wanted to say in our life and release them (throw them away, give them away or sell them).

The method proposed by the guru of the order has its own characteristics that have had an impact in many countries. She offers to start ordering the clothes, then the books and then the rest of the business.

Experts say the success of the series on different continents is due to the fact that the disorder, as well as the stress it causes, is a problem that goes beyond borders. While the welfare that causes the order is a state that generates interest.

María López Plantey is a specialist in interior decoration and has been studying this control phenomenon for years. Located in Mendoza, he gives his experienced vision.

María Lopez Plantey, interior architect

"It exploded with Marie Kondo, but it's been going on for a while, as a society it's been generated, we're looking for everything now, we're fast, but we're starting to understand that time is running out and we have to live more now, slow down a bit, set limits.Take advantage of the moment This is a phenomenon that has been manifesting since 2017, but the arrival of the series has made it obvious.We have always had a lot of doubts about the order.We have the feeling that the order is stressful, we are tired before we start.What differentiates Marie Kondo is the way she poses the order: she proposes to clbadify By sector and by category, from the easiest to the most difficult, talk about the importance of having an order for everything in order to maintain order and learn how to choose with what we have left. "

– Why do you think the series is so successful?

Because order is a taboo subject. No one has spoken of order and we are looking for moments of happiness in the little things. It has to do with what you value and not have to have. "

– From which public come the series and the theme of the order?

-It touches all kinds of audiences, including skeptics of Eastern culture. It may be odd to be grateful, but it makes sense. In Argentina, there are already people who provide the ordering service, go to a house and organize a closet for example.

– What is the relationship between order and cleanliness? It's the same?

– No, it's different. This is also in the series. Hygiene is something natural, a space can become dirty because the dirt gets through a window, for example, but the order depends on it.

Does the order have to do with less?

– No, but that's because we are aware of what we have, of the space that is occupying us with something. Sometimes, we are afraid of getting rid of something in case something is missing, but if you miss something, you buy what you need.

– What is the relationship between order and well-being?

-It is very connected, when you enter a place and everything is in order, there is a pleasant aroma you feel at home and there is nothing more beautiful than to feel at home. It's the place that gives us a roof, where we live, we cry, where our children are born, etc. There are many styles of decorating, for all tastes, but nothing more beautiful than decorating your home so that you feel at home, even with small things. At home, you can have everything you want. Although you travel the world with all the luxury, you will always want to return to your roots.

– Is it a generation change?

– Yes, we come from battery families and we change. Many have been educated without being able to leave anything on the plate for example. It has changed.

– What is the basis of the philosophy posed by the series?

– Be aware and start thinking about yourself. Love your place and the things that generate your well-being.

– What is the importance of decoration in Mendoza?

– It has changed a lot. Decoration was previously considered an expense, sometimes meaningless. Now he is trying to create stories. People are beginning to understand decoration as an investment. Everyone is well ordered. Some more than others. But the order is not eternal, you must keep it.


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