What awaits Irma Eréndira Sandoval after leaving public office


Irma Eréndira Sandoval becomes a researcher again at UNAM (Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartoscuro)
Irma Eréndira Sandoval becomes a researcher again at UNAM (Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartoscuro)

This Monday, June 21, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced the departure of Irma Erendira Sandoval of the property of Secretary of the Civil Service (SFP) to be replaced by the Undersecretary Roberto Salcedo Aquino, with which the continuity of zero tolerance for corruption and impunity was announced.

According to the portal of the federal government, Salcedo Aquino graduated in political science and public administration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (A). Likewise, he is a career master by opposition in the field of public administration in the Faculty of Professional Studies Acatlán of UNAM, where he was also director of the Political science and public administration and international relations.

In addition to this, his work as a certified auditor in higher audit by the Superior Audit of the Federation stands out. Likewise, he works as coordinator of the University Inspection Academy of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of UNAM. And he was the Federation’s Senior Audit Special Performance Auditor for 18 years.

Roberto Salcedo, new head of the SFP at the request of AMLO (Photo: Presidency of Mexico)
Roberto Salcedo, new head of the SFP at the request of AMLO (Photo: Presidency of Mexico)

Which corresponds to the profile of Sandoval Vallesteros, which was more than desirable for the secretariat, since she is a political scientist, economist, sociologist, academic and researcher without peer with a very particular lineage in matters of struggles and visibility of minorities.

And is that the daughter of the social leader of Guerrero Pablo Sandoval Ramirez holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from UNAM, a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University Metropolitan Autonomous University (HOW? ‘OR’ WHAT), a master’s degree in Latin American studies and a doctorate in political science from University of California at Santa Cruz.

Thus, upon leaving the public service, he will return to the national academy, where he will direct the Corruption and transparency documentation and analysis laboratory of the highest house of studies in Mexico.

Irma Eréndira Sandoval will return to head the UNAM Corruption and Transparency Documentation and Analysis Laboratory (Photo: Twitter / @ Irma_Sandoval)
Irma Eréndira Sandoval will return to head the UNAM Corruption and Transparency Documentation and Analysis Laboratory (Photo: Twitter / @ Irma_Sandoval)

“You knew me as an academic, as the director of the UNAM Corruption and Transparency Documentation and Analysis Laboratory, this is where I return with deep gratitude to the rector who loaned me for the fourth transformation, ”said Irma Eréndira Sandoval in a video with which she appears Lopez Obrador and the new Federal Secretary.

The research laboratory belongs to Social research institute (IIS), founded in April 1930, for which she has 91 years of in-depth social and humanist research. The laboratory has published dozens of studies in various branches of national significance, where its most recent work is: Impact of COVID-19 in wine regions, Traditional music as cultural heritage in Mexico, Heritage policies, intellectual property and traditional music. The notion of paternity among the worstkuas composers of the P’urhépecha and Dépaysage communities, economic tertiarisation and new ruralities of the insertion of rural and cultural tourism in the magical towns of the center of the country, among others.

At IIS, she offers her services as a researcher, teacher and tutor of the Graduate Diploma from the Faculty of Political Sciences and the PhD Program in Urban Planning and Administration Sciences of the UNAM. Likewise, on the university page, they indicate their honors such as the “Manuel Espinosa Yglesias” award and the “Reagan-Fascell Fellowhp” of the International Forum for Democratic Studies. Her full return to scientific research in the social field will therefore be the first thing she will deal with. Faced with other tasks, the former secretary did not specify if she had another project at the door.


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