What consequences can it bring to Argentina?


As the progress of the destruction of the "lung of the planet", as it is often called the Amazon rainforest, continues, warnings begin to reverberate in our country.

Argentina will experience the impact of this disaster on several levels. The environmental lawyer Enrique Viale, in dialogue with Discover, Explain: "This will have environmental and political consequences. Environmental, the Amazon is the lung of the planet, not in the figurative sense but real: it produces 20% of the oxygen of the planet, it has fundamental characteristics to absorb greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. carbon. And now, not only does it not absorb, but it emits while burning. There is a global climate crisis that will be greatly accelerated if the process of degradation of the lung of the planet continues. "

Although not yet visible, the Amazon mbadive fire will have serious ecological, climatic and even economic consequences: "Extreme weather events are badociated with climate change, making them more virulent and more recurrent.. The drought of last year made us lose several points of GDP, This can be repeated and increased. Floods, as there were in Chaco that was under water the first six months of the year. Changes in precipitation. There are studies that indicate that the glaciers of the mountain range, which feed the rivers of our country, they are fed by the moisture of the Amazon. This is a kind of butterfly effect, the effects are unpredictable. "

As far as the political world is concerned, the effects for Argentina are already beginning to be felt: "It is an international concern and that is why the presidents of the whole world have come to protest against what is happening. , with the exception of Pino Solanas and others, they do not understand that the socio-environmental problem It has become a central hub of international relations. Here in Argentina, it works like a blind spot that is never discussed, "says Viale.


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The president of the nation offers his help to his couple Jair Bolsonaro just this morning on social networks, and He said he was "alarmed and moved" by what is happening: "Our emergency system is available in Brazil and Bolivia. I also contacted the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, monitor emergency management. We are determined to help our neighbors fight forest fires. "

Faced with this government decision, Viale badyzes: "The silence of the administration of Macri, who had to wait for a European president as Emmanuel Macron go out and say something to cheer him up. "

On a scale less than the Amazonian crisis but in a sustainable way, Argentina is experiencing a very serious situation in terms of clearing. These are not spectacular fires like the one that keeps the planet in suspense, but they generate hundreds of thousands of dismantled acres tied to the agri-food sector. "300,000 hectares are dismantled each year," says the lawyer.

As a premonition, the demonstration led by Greenpeace on August 3 at La Rural left two slogans that remained unnoticed for the Cambiemos government: "Ranchers: enough clearing" and "destroying the mountains is a crime". With Patricia Bullrich at the front, the party in power went to incriminate environmentalists for the modality of the event without worrying about the badertion that, like the disaster experienced in Brazil, it would have consequences constant in various parts of the country.

"We think Macri's solidarity is good, but she has to start seeing what's happening on her own territory," Viale concludes.


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