“What dark secrets is Fort Detrick hiding?” China strikes back against the United States on the origin of the Covid-19


While the scientific community still has no answers to questions about the origin of Covid-19, the verbal battle between the United States and China intensifies after the Chinese regime, via a news agency, ensured that the virus originated in the United States long before the Wuhan epidemic, but that people infected had been misdiagnosed.

Researchers have confirmed cases of # COVID19 misdiagnosed as electronic cigarette pneumonia (EVALI). The United States is expected to review clinical records from its EVALI outbreak in fall 2019 to see how many cases of EVALI were actually COVID-19. “, published the government agency Xinhua on your website and social networks.

Electronic cigarette
Were the 2019 EVALI cases really COVID-19 cases? On July 27, the Chinese news agency Xinhua reopened the debate on the true origin of the coronavirus again pointed at the United States.

Not to mention the researchers he alludes to, the article by Xinhua It also includes an image in which x-rays of two lungs are compared, along with text that says: “One is pneumonia caused by electronic cigarettes. One is Covid-19. But who is what?

The outbreak of EVALI – the acronym in English for “Ilung infection associated with the use of electronic cigarettes or vaping ‘- The agency in question emerged in the United States in June 2019, after the first case was detected in the state of Wisconsin, according to the magazine. Scientific America.

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In October 2019, when more than 850 possible cases of the disease had already been detected, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that the cases had been caused by vitamin E acetate, a substance used by electronic cigarette manufacturers to adulterate their products and increase their profit margins.

According to a report by American College of Thoracic Physicians, The respiratory symptoms and damage caused by EVALI to the lungs of people are very similar to those caused by Covid-19. Soon after, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began receiving reports of the mysterious disease from across the country and in February 2020, the number of cases had already exceeded 2,800 with 68 deaths in the USA.

chinese coronavirus
Chinese authorities and Chinese media regularly point to the Fort Detrick laboratory in the United States as a source of COVID-19.
Located near Washington, this laboratory is at the heart of American research on bioterrorism.

Xinhua uses the argument that EVALI and Covid-19 exhibit symptoms similar to those of pneumonia, which makes their diagnosis difficult, to claim that the illness caused by the consumption of electronic cigarettes which has been recorded in the United States for months before the start of the pandemic maybe in fact Covid.

The government agency’s speculation came a week after a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry again rejected the theory of the “laboratory escape”, declaring that the American accusation – propagated by Donald Trump – is nothing more than a lie. The Wall Street Journal He even said three workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill with Covid in November 2019..

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“If the American side is sure what they are claiming, then let them prove it,” Zhao Lijian said.What are the names of the three workers? What kind of illness did they contract? If they claim to have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, where is the report? Let me say this: the American side cannot show the proof because they are lying. It only seeks to demonize and stigmatize China in the name of conducting origins studies. “

Zhao recalled that some American research has shown that In Florida, in December 2019, more than 170 people with no travel history to China showed symptoms of coronavirus before the first reported case in the state. The mayor of Belleville fell ill in November 2019, more than two months before the first confirmed case in the United States.

chinese coronavirus
In July 2019, the CDC sent a letter to the US Army Infectious Disease Medical Research Institute in Fort Detrick, Md., Asking them to end most operations.

Ultimately Zhao mentioned the EVALI epidemic that swept through several US states in July 2019: “Can the United States explain this?” He asked. “The country is still silent when a WHO investigation is called for Fort Detrick and the more than 200 US biological laboratories abroad. What dark secrets are hiding in Fort Detrick? “

What dark secrets are hiding in Fort Detrick?

In July 2019, the CDC sent a letter to Institute for Medical Research on Infectious Diseases of Ejército WE in Fort Detrick (Maryland) where he was asked to end most operations. In the same month, people with respiratory disorders of unknown origin began to appear in northern Virginia and a large-scale epidemic of EVALI occurred in Wisconsin.

Origin of Covid-19: they discover that some of the first sequences have been deleted in China

In late July, a respiratory illness that can cause pneumonia for unknown reasons appeared in two nursing homes near Fort Detrick, and in September, Maryland, where Fort Detrick is located, reported that the number of EVALI patients had doubled, according to Zhao said in journalistic statements.

On December 31, 2019, China disclosed to the WHO the existence of an outbreak of pneumonia cases in Wuhan. The theory of a Chinese lab breakout was promoted by the Donald Trump administration, but rejected by experts for a long time. However, in recent weeks it has been considered again in the United States.

wuhan china coronavirus
One of the heads of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Yuan Zhiming, said there had been “no pathogen leaks” or “accidental infection of staff” since the center opened in 2018.

In June of this year, Republican US Congressman Mike Gallagher accused China of leading a “concealment“System designed to escape blame for their” mismanagement “of the pandemic. Zhao responded that the United States should open Fort Detrick as soon as possible and allow international experts access to relevant information. and publish the research results of more than 200 US biological laboratories around the world.

I would like to ask the congressman you mentioned if he paid enough attention to the large-scale EVALI outbreak in Wisconsin in July 2019. The world has yet to see a clear conclusion about the disease. Does he think it’s a ‘concealment“Systematic US? Zhao asked.

The Chinese regime claims that the laboratories at Fort Detrick continue to store a large amount of viruses that seriously threaten human lives. The Chancellery spokesperson said the hidden dangers and escape accidents at Fort Detrick are “famous“, And his alleged research and experiments on toxic gases”they are scandalous”. “What are you really worried about? The real systematic cover-up comes only from the United States. Is there a more terrible truth?

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