What did Mauricio Macri say about the candidacy of María Eugenia Vidal and her fight with Horacio Rodríguez Larreta | The Together for Change intern


The definition of the candidates for the 2021 election brought the leadership conflict within Together for Change, with Mauricio Macri in one of the corners of the ring and Horacio Rodriguez Larreta in the other. In his new statements from Europe, the former president tried to avoid the issue of his standoff with the head of government in Buenos Aires, but left some definitions on the internal opposition and the candidacy of Maria Eugenie Vidal.

“List definition times are always complicated,” Macri said when asked about the Juntos por el Cambio draws. In the opposition alliance, the struggle between the macristas themselves is combined with the proposals of the radicals in search of greater notoriety.

Macri also referred to rudeness that Vidal did by launching in the city of Buenos Aires instead of agreeing to run in the province of Buenos Aires. “This decision was traumatic for Together for Change, but there are people and everyone has their feelings, ”he said.

The former president analyzed that this year’s legislature “is a hinge”. In this sense, he argued that “by winning this election, we will return to power with learning and greater support.”

Macri also self-rated his government with praise: “There will be a lot of criticism and I accept that, but it was a very decent government. We have not committed any kind of illegality and that is why we are working to come back to rule. “


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