What does the day out of time mean in the Mayan calendar?


Since the Mayan conception, the July 24, 2021 ends the year Blue Lunar Storm and on July 26 the new cycle begins, under the seal Yellow electric seed. And the 25? Is the call “Day out of time”, a privileged moment of deep introspection, of reassessment of life and of connection with nature.

The Mayans, one of the most important Mesoamerican indigenous peoples who lived three thousand years ago, had great astronomers. Their understanding of the stars continues to surprise scientists. This wise culture has made a time measurement based on complex mathematical calculations that synchronize biological, cultural and galactic cycles.

According to the book “Dreamspell” (Lloydine / Argüelles), these 260 days have been adapted to our current “lunar” calendar, that is to say based on the 13 annual moons which are completed by a day “out of time”.

The 260 days of the Mayan calendar have been adapted to our calendar based on the 13 annual moons, and complete each other with a timeless day.  Photo: Shutterstock

The 260 days of the Mayan calendar have been adapted to our calendar based on the 13 annual moons, and complete each other with a timeless day. Photo: Shutterstock

According to this calendar, galactic years begin on July 26 and end on July 24. And the 25? This is called the “day out of time”, a Special day of deep introspection, re-evaluation of life and connection with nature.

Jaime San Martin (@jaimesmb) is an animator of the Mayan calendar and shamanism, this Sunday he will ensure Jorgelina Frangella a ceremony to celebrate the day out of time, via Instagram.

“The day out of time – he says – is a key date in the Mayan calendar, which functions as hinge between one year and the next: it is not part of any of the ‘months’ (which are here called ‘moons’) nor of the ‘days of the week’, but it is separate “.

“This allows us to do a break between one year and the next, a bit like January 1, a public holiday in our country. But the bet is greater, and instead of being like a day of rest, what the Mayan calendar proposes is to take advantage of this day to live through art. ”

“In my experience, each day out of time is an invitation to reopen this source of creativity and energy, that “Moment before the Big Bang” of life is what gives us the impetus to create new things, to undertake projects, to revitalize what we have done and to reconnect with who we really are. “

How do you advise us to celebrate this day? “Meeting like-minded people and doing art together. It can be painting or singing, it makes us feel fulfilled and we would like to spend our whole life doing: this, what you thought about reading those words, that’s it. “

The tzolkin of the Mayan calendar is a complex system of measuring time.

The tzolkin of the Mayan calendar is a complex system of measuring time.

Wisdom Maya Tzolkin

the tzolkin, the most used, is composed of 20 stamps or “kines”, which change from day to day and receive in the background an energetic “tone” called “wavespell”.

All close (Linker, Seed, Dog, Hand, etc.) is represented by a “glyph”, an iconic image. Es común que cuando vamos a visitar las ruinas de Chichén Itzá, uno de los main arqueológicos sitios de la península mexicana de Yucatán, los “descendientes mayas” nos ofrezcan colgantes con nuestro kin de nacimiento, el cual se puede consultar en sitios de Internet sobre the theme.

The most widely used tzolkin is made up of 20 seals o "Chinese".  Photographic illustration: Shutterstock.

The most widely used tzolkin is made up of 20 seals or “kins”. Photographic illustration: Shutterstock.

What to do during the day outside of Mayan time

– Can we to look at what we want to create for the new year, meditate on what we have been through and choose what we want to release.

– We can too connect with nature, earth, we try to eat healthy. You can go for a walk and sit somewhere under a tree to recharge your batteries, emptying yourself from “the previous year”.

– Can we meet with those who want to celebrate this moment to reflect on the energy of this new year which begins.

– We can too make art (sing, dance, paint, compose).


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