what happened in the world with the officials who violated the quarantine


Alberto Fernández stayed at the center of the controversy for the photographs of an alleged celebration in the Quinta de Olivos in full quarantine for the coronavirus. The opposition has announced that it will seek “impeachment” for violating the restrictions. So the president could face the course of other officials who broke the rules around the world and who, in different ways, paid the consequences.

The most resounding case is that of the Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg. His family kept two meetings last February, to celebrate the sovereign’s birthday. At that time, in the face of escalating cases of covid, there was a limit of 10 people for these social events.

The case was discovered by the Norwegian public television, NRK.

Solberg did not attend the first meeting, which took place in a restaurant. But if attended the second date, your house.

Being a civil servant, the police reported her as an organizer of the two meetings and imposed the payment of 20 thousand euros as a fine. His wife, having no public office, received little warning.

“I, who talk to Norwegians about the rules every day, should know them better. But the truth is that I didn’t do well enough and I didn’t know that when a family is dating and there are more than ten, then it has to be considered a social event, “apologized the 60-year-old prime minister.

Former Israeli President Reuven Rivlin should have apologized.  Photo DPA

Former Israeli President Reuven Rivlin should have apologized. Photo DPA

In April 2020, the entire planet was in limbo due to the recent spread of the disease. This is why he aroused the indignation that, despite the precautions demanded of the population, the President of Israel celebrated Passover with his daughter.

My loneliness is no longer painful than that of many of you who followed the instructions to the letter, “apologized Reuven Rivli at the time.

He had to reiterate his apologies months later. “I know that we haven’t done enough as leaders worthy of your attention, but I ask you to open your heart to my words ”, he declared in September 2020. It was the months preceding the legislative elections.

He did not come to her with a request for forgiveness for David clark, which in July 2020 should have given up as New Zealand Minister of Health.

The scandal arose after Clark accompanied his family to the beach in April of that year, during the first week of quarantine. The management of the pandemic was, at that time, also a critical point. “I do responsible for all decisions that were taken on my stage, ”Clark said.

Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister, called her departure “essential for that the population keeps confidence in leadership in health ”.

Kisses and distancing

In Great Britain, there was also non-compliance with the measures. And he had a small dose of soap opera. The newspaper The sun discovered a romance of the Minister of Health, Matt hancock, with one of his assistants.

Protesters in Britain against Matt Hancock last June.  Photo DPA

Protesters in Britain against Matt Hancock last June. Photo DPA

The woman had been hired by the minister a few months ago – married and with children like him – as a consultant for the Ministry of Health. More serious, amid protests against the restrictions, was the hug and kiss between the two he portrays The sun: in those days – may 2021 – the distancing between people outside the family nucleus.

” Those from we who make the rules must respect them, and that’s why I have to resign, ”admitted Hancock last June, in a video he shared on Facebook.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was also at the center of the controversy in July. After having been in close contact with a positive case, as a first step he was not put in isolation since the government framed it in a pilot program of daily testing.

Critics were numerous and the opposition accused him of put the government “above the law”. The Prime Minister and his Minister of Finance had to backtrack: they were finally placed in confinement, for hours Freedom day (end of restrictions).

Mexico's Under-Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion Hugo López-Gatell.  Xinhua Photo

Mexico’s Under Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion Hugo López-Gatell. Xinhua Photo

“Although the pilot project is quite restrictive and allows only essential government business, I recognize that even the feeling that the rules are not the same for everyone it is wrong. For that, I will isolate myself as usual and will not participate in the pilot ”, declared Rishi Sunak, in charge of Finance.

In Mexico, the Under Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion Hugo López-Gatell was pictured without a chinstrap on days when people were invited to stay at home. And he was even targeted on another occasion by the opposition, after broadcasting images in which he was seen walking around while it seems still infected of covid.

On this last occasion, an opposition deputy denounced him to the attorney general’s office for “crimes against public health and of course attack on humanity“.

Argentina and the “chanchomóvil”

In our country there is also history of non-compliance with quarantine. The cases date back to the start of the restrictions and had curious border.

In March 2020, a to advise from Villa del Totoral, he met with eight people in a house. Mario Freyre, from We do for Córdoba (close to Peronism), was denounced by an anonymous call. Police arrived at the scene and arrested Freyre, along with five other men and three women.

Opposition representatives described the situation as “very serious”.

A few days later, Entre Ríos is shaken by a surrealist affair: the mayor of Bovril is denounced for having crisscrossed – in full compulsory isolation – the streets of the town aboard a “chanchomóvil”.

Fabián Valenzuela, with his vice and an adviser, passed through Bovril in a truck, with a grill and a sucker to give. He also gave some melodies which he sang himself. Everything, they said from the stewardship, to encourage the population to respect isolation.

Despite the justifications, the indignation reached the provincial administration. The Minister of the Government of Entre Ríos, Rosario Romero, underlined that “It is not possible” this type of activity and that he would notify the communal head.

Romero also stressed that public officials must “lead by example, especially when we are faced with a pandemic”.



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