What happened to Julian Assange's cat?


When the British police kidnapped Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embbady in London, a question arose: What happened to your cat?

He was one of the lawyers of WikiLeaks' founder, Carlos Poveda, who gave the following answer: "At least the cat was saved. Yes, it was delivered, I do not know if it's a friend but already left the embbady, maybe a few weeks before. "

The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.
The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.

Subsequently, the Ecuadorian Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Valencia, consulted on the issue, replied that the tiger coat and named James was handed to relatives of the Australian activist late last year.

The cat was a donation of children Assange in 2016 to accompany her after four years of asylum at the diplomatic headquarters.

The animal quickly became a media sensation and he even had his own Twitter account @EmbbadyCat, where he appeared with his owner and those who visited him, like filmmaker Michael Moore.

His elegant appearances on the windows, with a white shirt collar and different colored neckties, were sought after by supporters of Wikileaks' founder, who were trying to take pictures of him.

The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.
The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.

However, he has also become one of the stress points between the refugee and the Ecuadorian authorities because the size of Ecuadorian offices was not the most appropriate for having a pet.

Assange's cat, with a tie with the logo WikiLeaks. Photo: AFP.
Assange's cat, with a tie with the logo WikiLeaks. Photo: AFP.

Among the rules that Ecuador imposed last year on the WikiLeaks founder's asylum, it was stated that he had to take care of the well-being, the food, the cleanliness and the care of your pet.

The founder of Wikileaks was arrested Thursday by seven police officers after Quito withdrew his asylum right, under a 2012 UK arrest warrant, on charges of rape and kidnapping. 39 Sexual badault in Sweden and an extradition trial in the United States for "hacking".

The 47-year-old Australian, whom US authorities want to consider threatening for his safety because of Wikileaks leaks, would Arrested at Wandsworth Public Prison, according to the British press, although officially the place of his arrest has not been communicated.

The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.
The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.

Julian Assange was accused Thursday by the British judicial system of not appearing in court, a crime punishable by one year in prison.

After his arrest, the US Department of Justice announced that he had asked for his extradition to try him for "conspiracy to commit computer hacking", so that he could be sentenced to five years in prison in the USA.

But "there is no guarantee that there will be more charges" once it's "on US territory," warned Kristin Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks. , who called on the British government to oppose the request for extradition.

The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.
The Assange cat at the embbady. Photo: AFP.

According to the Minister of Justice, Sajid Javid, his stay at the Embbady of Ecuador amounted to 13.2 million pounds sterling ($ 17 million) from 2012 to 2015 for the British police, obliged to watch it 24 hours a day to finally stop him when he left the embbady.

In Sweden, the lawyer of the woman who accused Julian Assange of rape in 2010 said Thursday that she was going to ask the prosecution reopening of the investigation after the arrest of the founder of WikiLeaks in London.

"We will do everything to have the prosecutors reopen the Swedish investigation and Assange be handed over to Sweden and tried for rape," said Elisabeth Mbadi Fritz.


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