What happened to the baby rescued in Afghanistan that rocked the world


“The only thing I thought about was that I was a Marine and my daughter would be fine,” Hameed told CBS, who currently lives with her family in Phoenix after leaving Kabul.

rescued baby kabul

The interpreter revealed that while he was living at the airport, he couldn’t go out to meet his newborn daughter and could only speak with his wife, Sadia, by phone and that’s when that he instructed him to flee to the airport. : “We received reports that people were being killed or were missing. Because of my (military) affiliation, I knew my house would be next. It was not a question of ‘if’, but of ‘when’ ”.

Sadia and her 15-day-old daughter left for the airport with all their belongings, but at one of the city’s checkpoints, the Taliban seized their documents and the money they had.

People were thronging to the airport gate and that’s where Hameed saw his wife with the little baby in the middle of the crowd: “The baby would be crushed to death, I knew that.”Before the scene, the man desperately asks a Marine to help him save his baby.

“He told me the only thing I could do was lift her over the fence, but she could hurt herself. I told him I would give it a try. I’d rather be hurt than die “, noted.

wise family of kabul

The Marine agreed and, with Hameed grabbing his legs to stabilize him, he managed to grab Liya and get her across to the other side, and this was the first time the performer saw and could hold her daughter for the first time.

After checking to see that the little girl was healthy, he hastened to pull his wife out of the crowd, who had given birth a few days ago. Sadia had collapsed from exhaustion but was finally able to get in, reunite with her husband and daughter, and they took an evacuation flight that took them out of the country and put them to safety.

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