What happens to the body when you stop having sex?


"Satisfying sexuality is a health benefit. It is therefore very important that health professionals promote the sexuality of our patients at all times in their lives, "said Stefanie Redón Fitzl, a gynecologist and sexologist, quoted by Clarin newspaper.

Several studies show that changes occur in the body with the absence of sex. "On one side, warns Crespi," ceasing to have sex can bring some apathy into this sphere of our lives. Therefore, the less we have sex, the less we wake up with desire. "

Sex improves the defenses

One of the consequences of the lack of sexuality is the increase in stress, due to the non-rejection of substances that can counter it. This causes an increase in blood pressure and cortisol, a hormone released as a result of stress and distress. And also responsible for increasing the level of blood sugar and suppressing the immune system, among other functions.

Thus, the body is more exposed to infections, viruses, bacteria and fungi. According to research conducted at Wilkes University (USA), having sex once or twice a week increases immunoglobulin levels up to 30%, thus increasing body protection.

The genitals weaken

The genitals are muscles and you have to exercise them to work better. The lack of sex can cause erectile problems in men, in women the lack of elasticity due to atrophy in the vagina.

"Regular sex protects against the development of erectile dysfunction in men aged 55 to 75 years. This can have an impact on general health and quality of life, "concluded an article written by experts from Tampere University Hospital (Finland), published in the American Journal of Medicine.

In women, the loss of elasticity due to atrophy of the vagina causes "less sensitivity and less pain" during intercourse.

Benefits for the brain

Scientists have also discovered that sexual activity promotes intelligence because it enhances the production of new neurons in the hippocampus.

"After continuous long-term exposure to the sexual experience, cognitive function has improved. But when there was a prolonged period of abstinence, improvements in cognitive function were lost despite the presence of new neurons, "says a study by University of Maryland scientists on mice .

Researchers from Konkuk University (South Korea) also found that sexual intercourse could "promote the function of memory recognition" and counteract the negative effects of chronic stress.


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