What happens to the soul when a corpse is cremated? | Chronic


By Daniel Beyllis
[email protected]

For various reasons, ranging from irreversible organic failure to longevity due to an incurable disease or to different types of fatalities, death marks the end of a lifetime. Although you should also consider that many lives are lost in a war or many other ways. It is estimated that about 50 million people die each year in the world. A figure that may seem high, but is disadvantageous with more than 135 million births a year, figures estimated by international agencies in 2018.

And just as there are many ways of dying, from that moment on which absolutely nobody can certify the whole as a whole, and who has very few projects or needs, while the soul says that it is raise, the families of those who are no longer They are beginning to look for the method to use for the "last goodbye" and what to do with this decomposing body. Because there are practices and rituals that many religions impose, or there are others who ask for details about what they want to do with their inert bodies. .

The stages to be followed are very varied and the cemeteries of the different beliefs remain one of the most chosen choices. But among these other practices, cremation has dramatically increased the number of cases in recent years. And so, what about the soul of this being who perished? Is it better than ending up underground?


Although it is not as usual as burial. Cremation had already been used in the Neolithic and was also considered a barbaric practice in the ancient Near East, in times of plague. Instead, the Babylonians embalmed their deaths and the Zoroastrian Persians punished anyone who had attempted cremation with capital punishment. In Europe, the first incinerations were recorded 2000 years ago. C. Meanwhile, Hinduism has gone further in its origins: not only has it allowed cremation, but it has also prescribed it. In India, it has since been considered as the stage of formation of the Vedic civilization.

On the other hand, in Greece and ancient Rome, they never allowed to burn their dead. And influenced by Judaism (which forbids it), Christianity failed in cremation. Therefore, after the fifth century AD He had disappeared from Europe and was only used to punish heretics or as a posthumous punishment. Given these considerations, it is likely to think that these people believed that after death, there was also an additional punishment. Already in the last century, during the Second World War, the Nazis cremated their victims in gas chambers of concentration camps to remove all vestige. And after this conflagration, he continued to be used as a form of punishment.

In Japan, the bodies of executed war criminals were also cremated. However, in recent years and in practice, especially in the so-called Western world, cremation has ceased to be a subject that would affect the lives of people in mourning, who sought in this method the rejection of the burial of corpses of their loved ones. Even though this practice has grown, more and more people are asking to be cremated every day, unlike those who choose to be buried. And the soul of these people?

Earning supporters

There are many ways to return the deceased, but in contrast to the burial, which involves placing the inert body in a wooden box or box or a biodegradable material, then burying it or letting it out. To bury in a cemetery or a sacred site, cremation will leave very few traces. because it is an irreversible process when the body is subjected to high temperatures in order to reduce its basic elements.

In this context, and despite the beliefs and myths, fragments and remains of bone are not found in the ashes during cremation. And these bone fragments are sprayed to get a dusty shape, which is done in a crematorium in a process of at least three hours. As this already deceased being is reduced to ashes in its flawless visible part, the question reappears. The soul is also cremated?

In reality, there is no uniformity of criteria. Several religions defend the existence of this superior spirit which, badisted by cremation, elevates itself to a superlative level. Very opposed to those who say they fear or believe that the process of cremation will prevent the soul from continuing to rise to the hereafter. Some even claim that these souls can be irreversibly damaged by fire.

What do the experts say?

Some experts in the field dispel many of the ideas against cremation and base their considerations on a series of concordant visions in many religions and other beliefs. They claim that the soul leaves the body just when the person dies. It is the moment of the rise or the departure of the spirit, caused by the death of the body. And they reaffirm that this soul is obviously not tangible, physical or material, and that 's why it' s no longer in this body that will come in contact with fire, as it is. a material element which can only act on matter and substance belonging to the material plane. (read the inert body)

Thus, they claim that the process of cremation does not disturb, harm or harm any part of the being who is not the physical body and who is already dead long before cremation. For this reason, and because those who chose the form in which their body is treated after their death are related to the small family they left behind, or simply to not complicate the lives of people in mourning, they have chose cremation which, for specialists in obituaries and tanatomies, is the best choice, even because it offers spiritual benefits.

Dispersion What do they mean?

It is that they consider that with fire in action the astral body dissolves very quickly. The results of the cremation on the soul of the deceased are largely free from any attraction they may still have towards the Earth and the physical plane problems, which could otherwise hinder the first part of the post process -dead. In addition, cremation specialists added that these cremated remains could be thrown away in many ways, including scattering them in the air, on land, burying them in a garden or throwing them to the bed of a river or from a sea (this last modality). is the most chosen lately).

What they do not advise, is to keep the ashes of the deceased in an urn or container and keep them at home, from the spiritual gaze. Many people think that water is a key element of permanent cleanliness: spreading ashes in the water is also the quickest way to access life after death.

Always of the spiritual, some experts suggest that it is necessary to wait three to five days after the death of a being, before cremating the body, because in this way l & # 39; soul takes its new state and leaves out all trauma and thoughts. found who affected them while they were alive.

Death, a topic to avoid

To die is probably the least understood question by these times and with current thought. The vast majority of people dodge the subject openly because they create uncertainty, fear and worry. However, a significant number of men and women argue that when a loved one dies, it is not dead, but that they move somewhere else, perhaps in other places. other bodies and under different conditions (plants, animals, etc.).

Many studies support the theory that life after death exists, but the physicist and cosmologist Sean Carroll reaffirms its thesis that the existence of anything after the death of a human being is impossible. He maintains his idea that "we know perfectly the laws of physics that underlie everyday life" and everything must happen at these margins. In addition, he says that for there to be something after death, the consciousness should be completely separated from our physical body. And what is the fate of this consciousness?

Carroll says that doctors declare the death of a patient when he stops breathing, stops beating his heart and that brain waves are not detected for several seconds. Logical science, along with common sense, clarifies that once the organ fails, blood does not circulate in the brain and therefore monitors can not detect any activity. However, consciousness is a series of atoms and electrons that every being receives from his mind. And this is where Carroll proclaims that the laws of the universe do not allow these particles to function after physical death. And he adds: "Everything must happen in these margins, and there is no way in these laws to allow information stored in the brain to persist after death.".

However, this opinion could be refuted simply by explaining that the known laws of the man are only those ones. Because others are not understood. How UFO movements are not understood when they are viewed. Can these displacements that break with all earthly logic be destroyed if the laws are violated with other strangers? The question is asked.


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