What he did is a monument to psychology


“They have a keeper who went too far, he introduced psychology to the world of football. He broke the mold of cultural traditions,” stress.

The leader also underlined the Uruguayan activism which managed to collect the signatures necessary for a set of conservative laws to be discussed “in an act of direct democracy”. “We are facing a long political battle in very difficult conditions because we have no mobility in the streets, without democracy in the streets. We lost our main tool and despite this, house by house, the militants succeeded in obtaining the signatures which were necessary ”, He said.

In addition, he gave his opinion on the situation of Uruguay in Mercosur. “The statements of the authorities do not confront Mercosur. They should be clearer. If they are trying to set up a free trade country in this part of the world, they have to speak clearly. Behind this decision hide projects that have nothing to do with Mercosur. . “, he said.

“As a small country we have a problem, we are losing several million tariff values ​​that we are losing around the world. We sell the added value of the region to Argentina and Brazil, that’s why it imports the agreements between our countries ”, he said, adding: “This world is liberal to sell you, but to buy you, it puts on the mask.”

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