"What he signed does not exist anymore, he did not do it" | Ferná …


"What he signed does not exist anymore, he could not fill it in. I would like him to leave things in order with the Fund," said the Front's candidate. Todos, Alberto Fernández, to President Mauricio Macri about the agreement signed with the IMF. Moreover, he did not want to continue the escalation of statements with the Brazilian government led by Jair Bolsonaro after the threat of his minister regarding a possible exit of Mercosur. "Let them say what they want, I do not like bullies," said Alberto Fernandez.

"The worst thing that will happen to us is that we will have to explain why Macri did not comply with what he's committed to the Fund," said Fernandez in an interview last night by Television. And on this point, he added, "I ask for continuity, let him negotiate knowing that his term ends." The Frente de Todos candidate said that it was one of the points that worried him the most about the legacy that he would receive should he enter the Casa Rosada. . "The agreement with the Fund is absolutely not respected.The objectives for inflation, growth and budget have not been achieved," he said.

Fernandez insisted on a point on which he had already spoken Wednesday after the "palliative" measures announced by Macri. "I ask the president to decide if he wants to be a candidate or wants to be president, in this context, both things can not be done, and I also ask him to moderate his political strength because they also generate discomfort" , did he declare. This last warning had to do with the message of the MP Elisa Carrió during the long cabinet meeting at the CCK, when she had warned that she would only get them dead. Olivos. "The country is in a delicate situation, so I ask for seriousness and serenity," said Fernández.

The presidential candidate also spoke of the verbal dispute that keeps the distance with Bolsonaro. "The criminals of the left have begun to come back to power in Argentina," the Brazilian president said Wednesday in a series of attacks against Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner. He also wrote on Twitter about it, still comparing the possibility that Peronism would come back to power with Venezuela, as Macrismo did until Monday. "I'm celebrating Bolsonaro who speaks badly of me.He is a misogynist, a racist," replied Fernandez.

Yesterday he was followed by the Brazilian Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes, of neoliberal trend, which threatened: Mercosur is for us a way to open the economy. And if (Cristina) Kirchner enters and wishes to close it, we leave Mercosur. "But Alberto Fernández did not want to continue the war of declarations, following the advice of his international advisers." I will no longer answer Bolsonaro. Unity with Brazil is much more important and I think it can hurt the connection we have. Let them say what they want. I do not like bullies, "he tried to close the subject.

It was one of Alberto Fernández's activities yesterday in his San Telmo office, where several Front de Tous candidates badyzed the results obtained at the primary school last Sunday and evaluated the possibilities for the event. to come up. It was Fernanda Raverta, candidate for mayor of Mar del Plata; Federico Susbielles, Bahía Blanca; Marcelo Zuñiga, of Neuquén and Daniel Natapoff, of Bariloche.

Raverta won the All Front PASS in Mar del Plata and will be one of the contestants against the former minister and candidate for Together for Change, Guillermo Montenegro. Although she took fewer votes in all political forces, Raverta said that she felt confident because she was the candidate who had gathered the most votes in the world. individual level.

In Bahía Blanca, Federico Susbielles also made a good choice on Sunday and, although that was not enough to occupy the first place in the OSP, he was only two and a half points below the mayor of Macrista, Héctor Gay, who will try his re-election next October. Front Together for change.

At the same time, the candidate for mayor of Neuquén, Marcelo Zúñiga, hopes that the good performance obtained by the Frente de Todos during the PASO Sunday will take place on September 22 (date of municipal elections). "People have expressed their willingness to change Sunday and this will also happen in Neuquén," said the current counselor.

The same badysis was carried out by the municipal councilor and candidate for mayor of Bariloche, Daniel Natapoff, who will participate on 1 September next to the mayor Gustavo Gennuso, who will request his reelection for Together We Are Río Negro.


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