What is "1444", the prohibited video on YouTube?


Based on 1444 a rumor was born in the networks that ensures that anyone will see the video and will not write the date in the comments will be the victim of a curse

There is a video that is circulating on different channels and has disrupted many users, not only because of its level of violence, but also because, apparently, who will see it will be the victim of a curse.

This is the video titled "1444", which was originally uploaded to YouTube and remained active a few hours before the platform removed it. However, the recording is already circulating on other channels of the same social network and even on Facebook.

In this controversial video, you can see a young man sitting in an armchair, who says something to the camera and points his head with a semi-automatic rifle, with which he ends up shooting.

Until now, the origin of the video is unknown or if it is real, but a version appeared around it, guaranteeing that anyone will see it will have to write the date in the comments, otherwise it will be sentenced to death.

YouTube has a policy in which videos containing explicit violence are automatically censored and penalties are applied to those who download them. It remains mysterious why this did not happen with "1444".

Many people questioned the fact that the images quickly became viral on YouTube because of their forbidden content. On the other hand, some have associated this event with a curse popularized as "creepypasta".

When they comment on social media, when you watch video 1444, you should enter the date of the day you saw the story in YouTube comments. If you forget that, you will be sentenced to end your days soon.

Apparently, this "myth" would be part of a background created by a stranger, like the movie "The Call" (The Ring) which, after 7 days, would be supported by the protagonist named Samara Morgan, who would seek revenge.

Among the social networks of YouTube, Facebook, among others, it is advised users not to disclose the video 1444 regarding the scene that may affect susceptibilities.

The youtuber Magnus Mefisto He said in a video that he had even seen how, on other YouTube channels, live broadcasts were broadcast, where "1444" was broadcast one by one.

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