What is a terraplanist in his head? Those who believe that the Earth is flat


In March, the movement will have its first event in Argentina in Colón, province of Buenos Aires, and his poster became viral because of the quirk that there was for the general public.

colon of the earth

Landucci, 37, works 20 years ago in a computer animation studio in La Plata, but he devotes a moment to theory. "Terraplanism is a questioning of the cosmological model of the Big Bang and heliocentrism", explained as a self-taught expert of the theory, for whom"scientifically, it has never been shown that the Earth revolves around the sun"

Without turning on its axis nor moving around the sun, Earth according to the terraplanistas it's like a table that has a light source that changes position on the surface and this is how it makes way for day and night. The stations depend on the bademma, that is, the number eight that describes the star in the sky if you look at it every day of the year at the same place.

In the terraplanista model "everything is smaller, smaller and revolves around us"According to Landucci, the followers of this theory are inclined to adopt the tradition of peoples as ancient and distant as the Mayas, Navajos and Egyptians"a flat disc surrounded by ice covered by a dome where the sun and the moon turn above our heads, and beyond is the firmament with the stars ", as described by the autodidact.


But from one century to the next, a different vision appeared which, according to Landucci, was not installed innocently. "We are the only generation to which they convinced without any proof that the Earth revolves around the sun. The scientific debate was a little quieted when NASA showed the only official photograph of the supposed terrestrial sphere that was taken with the Apollo XVII in 1972. The other photos are digital compositions, the only official is the one who is perceived as a painting. "he added.

Before this event, the debates focused on paper and pencil. "The brightest minds they had to create a theory, which is that of relativity, since no one can show that the Earth turns around the sun and on its own axis, "said Landucci, but the formulas of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton or Georges Lemaître, the first to talk about the Big Bang, are not proof conclusive for terraplanistas.

Instead, movement members use current technology to make their own experiences, such as the release of stratospheric balloons equipped with a camera they show that "at 40 km altitude, the Earth seems flat when this should no longer be the case," explained Landucci, because "there should be a fairly visible arc."

Apollo image XVII.jpg

The results of the experiments are available from thousands of Youtube, where Landucci has a broadcast channel called Nur for everyone. "Modernity has brought this problem back because instead of depending on what a scientific organization tells you, you can do the badysis yourself as an ordinary person or as a professional. You lose a little the principle of authority in which you only have to believe"he explained.

The "official" authorities in this area, said Landucci, they are the US space agency, NASA and the Vatican. "The Big Bang is a theory made by a Catholic, Georges Lemaître, it is not even a scientist, it is the Church that is always behind all that. The Vatican is the one that finances and has the highest astronomical capacity at the moment"he insisted.

The other suspects of the global conspiracy are Freemasons, Rome club, Bilderberg club and "the new world order" "The symbol of Freemasonry is a square and a compbad: the square refers to the moderation of the Earth because it is flat and the compbad draws a semicircle through which the stars, the sun and the moon travel" he said.

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But what does he gain by letting everyone believe that the Earth is round when it is flat, or vice versa?

"The central point of the helicentric model is spiritual. It makes the lower man feel, a drop of dust in the middle of millions of galaxies without any purpose. Mr. Landucci explains why, without knowing its origin, "but there are also economic reasons, such as the maintenance of the space industry, satellites to tourist trips on the moon, as the self-taught specialist. consider that they will never arrive as maybe the lunar landing never took place.

All of this ends up mingling with politics at the point that in the United States we talk about "enclosures" terraplanistas in the Capitol "Because it's disputed that global warming, which actually happens, is a business of corporations," Landucci said. "Donald Trump also referred to global warming as a money industry because there is a lot of money behind it," he added.

There are many other terraplanistas who connect daily to deepen their research through social networks and especially in Youtube, even if the platform has just changed its algorithm to stop promoting them as "false news" (false news), as both Landucci and the event organizer in Colón, Maxi Biasotti explain.

Biasotti explained to minutouno.com that the reaction of the public to hear about the theory of the earth "depends on the extent of the cognitive dissonance of each person because some take it well and others do not," but suddenly there are already 120 accredited people for the appointment of March 2nd and 3rd.

Beyond skepticism, which resembles that of Christopher Columbus when he baderted that the Earth was round and that India could be reached from the west, the terraplanistas insist on the particular investigation of each individual to determine what vision to have of the world.

"I am not a conspiranoid, I am a historical revisionist"said Landucci, who will be one of the main speakers of the event." I like to see the story again. I want to understand where I am going. I do not believe the official storyhe explained, under these latitudes or under another.


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