What is commemorated on April 2 in Argentina – 28/03/2019


On 2 April 1982, Argentine troops landed in the Falkland Islands to recover the sovereignty that had been seized in 1833 by the British armed forces.

Falklands War, historical photos of the troops on the island.

Falklands War, historical photos of the troops on the island.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

A few days after the landing and capture of the islands by the Argentine crew, the English Prime Minister, Margaret Tatcher, sent a crew of English soldiers to meet and move the Argentine army.

The war conflict could not be avoided. Although short, it lasted about two and a half months, it had tragic results: 649 Argentine victims and more than 500 suicides motivated by post-war sequels and traumas. 255 British and 3 islanders also died.

Why a war

Argentine soldiers in Malvinas.

Argentine soldiers in Malvinas.

The discouraging political, social and economic scenario that prevailed at the time in Argentina was the main motivation for the military dictatorship to decide, in a hurry and without major strategies, perform a patriotic and heroic act that will enhance their image as a government. However, the failure and defeat of Argentine troops further deteriorated their image.

When the conflict ended

The Falklands war ended the June 14, 1982, the same year that began, two and a half months later. That day, the Argentine commander in the islands signed the capitulation, although the lieutenant general and dictator, Leopoldo Galtieri, gave the order to continue to fight until "the last consequences".

Malvinas, historical photos.

Malvinas, historical photos.

The news has provoked the surprise and frustration of the population that these last days have been deceived by a triumphalist campaign of the de facto government.

After a few days of uncertainty, Galtieri resigned, leaving the post to General Reynaldo Bignone, who immediately had to call democratic elections.

Veteran's Day and the dead in the Falklands War

Since March 1983, it has been established that April 2 was a public holiday bearing the name of Falkland Islands Day, South Georgias and South Sandwich. This commemoration was later changed to June 10 and, in 1992, it was declared that April 2 was "Veteran's Day".

In November 2000, he became Veteran's Day and the dead in the Falklands War, and since June 2006 is a national holiday that can not be moved, it can not be moved to the previous Monday or the following Monday to constitute a long weekend.

Malvinas, the conflict ended on June 14, 1983.

Malvinas, the conflict ended on June 14, 1983.


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