What is left at the Vatican at the summit against sexual abuse: an identical or real change? – 25/02/2019


It depends on your point of view, the summit against badual abuse committed by clergy who ended Sunday at the Vatican. may be more or less the same or a great step forward to leave behind the worst scandal of the Catholic Church in recent centuries.

It is obvious that those who hoped for summary measures to expel from the institution abusive clerics and seals without internal judicial procedure disappointed.

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In fact, victims of abuse by religious and NGO leaders fighting against pedophilia who came to St. Peter's Square expressed to the press their complete disappointment, that they synthesized with the concept: "Only words, not facts".

If, on the other hand, it is viewed from a historical perspective and in the future, the result of the evaluation may be, at least, careful.



For now, we must keep in mind that until a few years ago, it was unthinkable to hold a church summit on this issue.

Also in his clbad was spoken with rudeness, it was admitted that the victims were ignored, it was acknowledged that the attackers were disguisedactions have been described not only for the prevention and punishability of perpetrators who are deepening what already exists, but also for the supervision of bishops before possible concealment. And they were heard daily heartbreaking testimonies of victims.

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But not that. In a striking exhibition, the President of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, denounced "the archives that could denounce terrible facts and indicate the names of those responsible". were destroyed or were not even created"

He added that "instead of the culprit, the victims were reprimanded and silence was imposed upon them. Processes and procedures established to prosecute perpetrators have been deliberately ignored, canceled or canceled. "

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Although Marx stated that his complaint referred to the German Church on the basis of an investigation, he had no reason to believe that it had not happened in other ecclesial spheres.

There was more Valentina Alazraki, correspondent of the Mexican channel Televisa, accredited to the Vatican for more than 40 years, spoke on behalf of journalists.

"Behind the silence, the lack of healthy and transparent communication, there are often fears not only for the scandal, but also for the reputation of the institution: There is also money, checks, gifts, permits to build schools and universities in areas where you could not build."

More specifically, he mentioned the case of the deceased Mexican, now deceased, Marciel Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ and a serial abuser with several children.

What was announced as a meeting intended to sensitize and scrupulously respect the norms of prevention and, above all, of punishability towards the aggressors and the masters defined by Benedict XVI and deepened by Francisco, ended up being also (with some pressure from the victims) An exploration of more measures.

This Monday, the organizing committee begins to define them. But as said the Chilean Juan Carlos Cruz, victim of the former priest Fernando Karadima, the essential is to see the will of the Church to apply them. Because he said Francisco shows his will but is not accompanied properly.

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Time will tell if everything has remained in words or if the summit has paved the way for a profound change in the Church.



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