What is lymphedema, the illness Cristina Kirchner suffers in Florence – 14/03/2019


"Lymphedema is a disease characterized by swelling and deformity of the legs and arms." It is José Luis Ciucci, expert in lymphology, who explains in a clear and precise way the suffering of Florencia Kirchner and the reason why it prevents him from returning from Cuba to Argentina, where specialists attend.

"When we talk about the return of the circulation, we always think of the blood returning to the heart, but there is another which carries high molecular weight proteins that circulate in the lymphatic system. When, for any reason, traffic is clogged, The disease is called lymphoedema. It's at this point that the ends start to widen, "Ciucci explains.

Former President Cristina Kirchner today released a video of just under 5 minutes on social networks, where he blames justice for the health problems of his daughter Florencia. He says that "the product of the ferocious persecution to which he was subjected began some time ago to have serious health problems." The truth is that for the specialist consulted by Clarin, stress is not a reason for giving birth to this disease.

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"It can be generated for two reasons, the first is essentially when the person is born with fewer vessels and lymph nodes. The second is caused more frequently by ablation or deterioration of the lymph nodes after surgery, radiation therapy, an accident or as part of a cancer treatment.. Many times after bad cancer treatment occurs, "Ciucci badysis.

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The obstruction then prevents the lymph from draining well, so that the accumulated fluid causes swelling. The sensation is heaviness or stiffness, decreased movement of the legs or arms, constant discomfort, infections and hardening and thickening of the skin (fibrosis). This sometimes results in elephantiasis, that is when the limbs are significantly deformed.

"It is true that the patient can not stand for long or sit (Cristina says about her daughter in the video that was released today). Although this happens when the disease is already advanced. Stress can complicate the situation, in the same way as a plane trip or suffocating heat, but does not generate it in any way, "says Dr. Ciucci, honorary president of the Argentine Society of Phlebology and Lymphology ( SAFyL).

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Is it necessary to travel to another country for medical treatment? The expert said that in our country some great specialists knew the problem well: "In fact, I attend patients from other parts of America because they know that in Argentina, the attention is the most high quality, "says Ciucci.

How to treat lymphedema? There are several ways to treat this disease.The most common are the following three: kinesiological treatment, physiotherapy, compressive therapy and when antibiotic therapy is required, depending on the patient and the degree of disease progression.


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