What is Parler, the application to which subscribers have migrated …


After Twitter permanently suspended the account of outgoing US President Donald Trump, his followers migrated to the social network Speak, which was quickly removed from Google Play for generating content that could incite violence. It is an app used by groups that follow far right characters whose comments are flagged and removed on other platforms.

By perceiving this migration, Google announced Friday the withdrawal of the application due to the presence of “scandalous content” that could incite violence. The suspension will remain in effect until it imposes a content moderation system.

“We are aware of ongoing posts on the Speak app that seek to incite continued violence in the United States.”Google said. And he added, “To distribute an app on Google Play, we require the apps to implement robust control against outrageous content.”

From Google, they stressed the importance of ensuring “ongoing public safety” in light of the “urgent threat” that content dumped into these apps can mean.

On a related note, Apple warned Speak that the app could be removed from its store. if you don’t take steps to prevent your users from planning violent activity on your platform.

Parler and other similar sites have been the scene of racist and anti-Semitic statements and they attract groups that have been banned from other platforms for posting hateful messages or promoting violence.

In its description, the company indicates that it “is based on respect for privacy and personal data, freedom of expression, free market and an ethical and transparent company policy”.

Followers of Trump and his thesis on voter fraud in the US presidential elections have migrated to alternative social networks that do not screen their baseless statements.

This change has favored some platforms like Parler, Newsmax and Rumble, which reject the approach of giants like Facebook and Twitter to mark out and limit the scope of conspiracy theories. In fact, the latter two networks suspended Trump’s accounts on Friday, citing fears of further incitement to acts of violence such as those seen at the seat of the US Congress this week.

The suspensions were not limited to Trump, but extended to others around him such as the lawyer for the team that defended the theory of electoral fraud, Sidney powell, and the former national security adviser recently pardoned by the president, Michael flynn, who even suggested that Trump apply martial law.


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