What is QAnon, the conspiracy theory linked to the American father who murdered his children in Baja California


QAnon supporters have started backing Donald Trump to end the "Deep state" (Foto: REUTERS / Elijah Nouvelage)
QAnon supporters have started backing Donald Trump to end the ‘deep state’ (Photo: REUTERS / Elijah Nouvelage)

On August 10, a case was announced that rocked Mexico and the world. Matthew Taylor, a father and surfer from the United States he murdered his two sons on the border beaches of Rosarito, in the state of Baja California.

Neighbors in town found the bodies of an 11-month-old and a three-year-old girl. Days later Hiram Sanchez Zamora, Attorney General, confirmed the arrest. Taylor was accused of stabbing the little boy 17 times and his daughter 12 times..

However, his motives were not clear until the first interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI for its acronym in English), for which he gave unimaginable reasons: it would allegedly be “illuminated “by QAnon, from whom he was ordered to save the world from his children, who would have been infected with snake DNA and the only way out was to end their life to save the world.

This testimony surprised all who heard it. However, despite the impressive nature of the crime, another question began to circulate among people:What is QAnon?

Matthew Taylor assured that his children had "snake blood" and he had to kill them to save the world (Photo: Special)
Matthew Taylor claimed his children had “snake blood” and had to kill them to save the world (Photo: Special)

Born in Internet forums known as 4Chan Yes 8Chan, involves a myriad of conspiracy theories that include religious aspects and an alleged pedophile ring that includes world leaders who seek to dominate their respective territories.

A first antecedent of these contemporary beliefs emerged in 2016, more precisely on October 17, a month before the elections in which Donald trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

Edgar Maddison Welch, an American citizen who read Internet forums, learned that Comet ping pong, a popular pizzeria in the Chevy Chase neighborhood of Washington DC, hosted fundraisers.

Alex jones, founder of InfoWarsHe argued that Democratic leaders performed satanic rituals in the basement of this place where they sexually assaulted children.

Because of this information which began to circulate on the Internet, Maddison Welch went to the pizzeria on December 4, 2016. He was armed with a AR-15 rifle, a shotgun and a revolver. After chasing customers and employees, he sets out to find the basement. He did not find any because they never existed. There was a locked door, which he swung open. Seeing it was nothing more than a deposit of old things, he surrendered to the police.

QAnon's earliest antecedent occurred with the emergence of the "Pizzagate" in 2016 (Photo: REUTERS / Leah Millis)
The first precedent for QAnon was with the emergence of “Pizzagate” in 2016 (Photo: REUTERS / Leah Millis)

This event was the perfect founding myth of the theory known as “Pizzagate”. A year after its appearance, anonymous messages from an individual identified by the letter began to circulate through the same channels. Q, who claims to have access to classified information that would confirm the existence of a global network of satanic pedophiles, led by the Democratic Party.

Some registers ensure that the user was previously called “Q Liquidation Patriote“, but in the end it only ended with the” Q “, which in the language of internet forums means”Question“(Question), while the rest of the name of this new movement,”Anon”, Refers to any user, since all posts are anonymous.

This theory had already been the subject of an investigation and a warning by the FBI since 2019, which through a bulletin from the Phoenix office, listed various acts of extreme violence committed by people having on various occasions brought up these conspiracy theories.

For QAnon, Hillary Clinton is the main boss of a pedophile ring in the United States (Photo: REUTERS / Carlo Allegri)
For QAnon, Hillary Clinton is the main boss of a pedophile ring in the United States (Photo: REUTERS / Carlo Allegri)

However, and independently of the surveillance of the American authorities, the people have transformed a few simple messages into a sect which ensures the existence of a pedophile network coordinated by Hilary clinton, allegedly confirmed by certain emails from the former presidential candidate revealed by WikiLeaks which included the name of the pizzeria Comet Ping Pong.

It is from this moment that the QAnon members started supporting Donald Trump, because they saw him as the leader of a group that is waging a secret battle against these evil elements, which is said to be rooted in the “Deep state“, which he sought to eliminate during his stay at White House, and referred to his “war” when alluding to “drain the swamp”.

So far, it is assumed that thanks to this movement, the Trump supporters increased, not only on the Internet, and went to the polls to place him as President of the United States, as they see him as a messiah who sought to position a fringe of the population “forgotten” by Democrats at the top, as so than to eliminate this alleged network of pedophilia.


American accused of murdering his two children in Baja California
American father murdered his children in Mexico because he believed in a QAnon conspiracy theory and wanted to “save the world from monsters”
Bustle at the border: an American entered Mexico to kill his two young children

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