What Is Restless Anal Syndrome, A Disease That May Be Associated With Covid-19 | A case was published in Japan in a medical journal


After a year and a half and millions of infections around the world, the covid-19 pandemic continues to raise questions in science. Recently, the case of a patient who developed “Restless anal syndrome “ after contracting the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Doctors have maintained that “this is a world first” and as of yet the reason for the sequel is unknown.

As detailed in the report published in the specialist magazine BMC Infectious Diseases, the patient, a 77 year old Japanese man, was admitted to Tokyo University Medical Hospital after testing positive. Despite his age, he did not need oxygen during his stay and was able to breathe normally 21 days after admission.

However, several weeks after his release, the old man began to experience a strange sensation which he described as “deep anal discomfort” 10 centimeters from the perineum, the region between the genitals and the anus. This gave him an “essential need to move”.

As the man stated, when moving, the symptom improved, but reappeared when he was resting. He also noticed that the discomfort was much more acute and throbbing at night.


Based on the man’s account, the doctors decided to perform a colonoscopy, which revealed that he had internal hemorrhoids but no other rectal damage. In addition, tests of the nervous system did not reveal any abnormalities.

So scientists dthe patient was diagnosed with restless anal syndrome after determining that her symptoms met criteria and not seeing any other cause of the discomfort.

Restless anal syndrome

Restless anal syndrome is a variant of restless leg syndrome (RLS). RLS is a disorder in which a person has the urge to move their legs to stop certain sensations such as itching, burning, or tingling.

Although it seems unusual, it is believed that this syndrome 1 in 10 people may suffer from it in certain situations, and may be caused by another medical condition.

The case of the old Japanese man is the first report presented that links restless anal syndrome to illness caused by the coronavirus.

While he was still it is not known how covid-19 affects the nervous system of patientsThere are already several cases of neurological problems, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, mental fog and tingling, which have been reported since the start of the pandemic.


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