What is the Hams group and why some countries consider it a terrorist organization


Three weeks ago the Middle East has caught the world’s attention again. What at first appeared to be another clash between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters angered by access restrictions to the Damascus Gate to the Old City, a holy site in Jerusalem, led to a succession of clashes armed forces between Israel and Israel. The Hams group which left a balance of 253 Palestinians and 15 Israelis killed.

Last week, the two sides agreed to a ceasefire after 11 days of mutual bombing. Now, high-ranking delegations from both sides will meet in Cairo next week to strengthen the truce with Egypt’s mediation and address issues such as the reconstruction of Gaza or the exchange of hostages.

With the end of the escalation of the war, a series of questions became recurrent among those who do not follow international politics: What is Hams, how did he gain control of the Gaza Strip and why did he become Israel’s most stubborn enemy? lately.

the Islamic resistance movement, that’s what Hams means in Spanish, is a fundamentalist religious group whose origins date back to 1987, in the early days of the first Palestinian Intifada. With nearly 35 years of existence, for some countries the group has become a terrorist organization. However, for others not.

It was in the early 90s, when Hams entered the world stage with suicide bombings to boycott the peace process initiated with the Oslo accords that during those years the then Palestinian President Yasir Arafat and the Prime Minister of Israel Isaac Rabin were negotiating.

Julin Schvindlerman, international political analyst specializing in Middle Eastern affairs, explain one The chronicler, that the group has a “jihadist ideology” and an “Islamist outlook”,

Ceasefire between Israel and Palestine: the results of 11 days of military escalation and the conditions of the truce

In the Ham charter (1988), fragments such as “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam wipes it out, just as it did before it wiped out others (preamble) “or” The Day of Judgment comes only when the Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and the trees will say: O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a jew behind me, come kill him (Article 7) “.

In 2006, there were Palestinian legislative elections and the Hams legitimately, electorally won. has become very strong in the Gaza Strip, Schvindlerman said of the early days of the ruling group. And continued: “In 2007, I expelled the Palestinian Authority forces that were there. He did it very violently, killing his Palestinian political opponents“.

That is to say, barely a year after the elections “an armed conflict broke out inside Gaza, where they technically kicked out the PLO and the bureaucracy that existed there (controlled by Al-Fatah), had to get out of there. Therefore, Hams took control of all of Gaza, ”he told this outlet. Jorge Araneda Tapia, who did a doctorate in international relations in the Middle East.

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“In the West Bank, they voted on the same date and Mahmoud Abbas (current president of Palestine) came to power in this territory,” he added. Since then, in 2006, there have been no new democratic elections in either territory. For this – according to Araneda- today there is “fear” and “resentment”, both on the part of Al-Fatah and Hams, to go to the polls and thus lose the elections and also the bureaucratic apparatus.

Unlike the West Bank, “in Gaza, there is no sovereign, no respect for human rights or international law. There are around 2 million people living on almost 100 km2, without border controls or natural resources, there is a special situation there that we must not lose sight of, ”said Araneda.

According to Schvindlerman, Hams was born primarily as a religious, social and political movement, but also quickly became a terrorist..

“He is the only one with control over the ministries, the budget, the weapons, everything. Israel withdrew in 2005 and handed over to the Palestinian Authority the Gaza Strip, which initially lost it politically. then in the context of a civil war with Jambons, ”he added.

Hams: A terrorist group?

For Jorge Araneda, some countries think that Hams is not a terrorist because they think “it’s in the law and the United Nations. And what is a group What are you looking for with terrorist attacks, it’s illegal, obtain national independence “.

In other words, “They understand that it is a resistance group that carries out terrorist attacks, which must logically be condemned, but what is a national liberation group in modern terms“On the contrary, others define the Hams as a terrorist because they see him” neither as a national liberation nor as a resistance group, but as a group seeking to provoke and create terror in Israel“.

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“An objective, standard and academic definition of a terrorist must conform to four factors,” said Julin Schvindlerman. deliberate attack, towards civilians, where do we find one political objective (or religious) and the the atrocity factor is very high. And Hams does it“.

More, attributes denial that Hams is a terrorist group to “political decisions”. It has to do with political and geopolitical factors, not necessarily with the truth, he trusted, and in this line he warned: “Politics is dirty and is always tainted with interests.”

United States, European Union, Israel, Canada, Japan, among others, recognize and designate Hams as a terrorist group. But others, like China, Irn, Qatar, Syria and Russia, no -mention-. To say no, is linked to the political interests of these nations and how they want to play in the Middle East. It may have to do with the decision not to get tangled up in what may be perceived as alienating Palestinians in general or the Arab world. “

Israelo-Palestinian conflict

The government of Alberto Fernandez This Thursday I accompanied a proposal from the United Nations create a commission to investigate “alleged violations of human rights in Israel and the Gaza Strip”, so that all complaints are analyzed “in an independent, transparent and comprehensive manner”.

“We must not lose sight of Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East “, Schvindlerman remarks. And sentence: “On the Palestinian side, there were around 250 dead (…) but of that number, Israel says 160 were terrorists. On the Israeli side, that at least 15 people died, few people have died because they have an iron dome that neutralizes missiles in the air. If these rockets had landed on villages in Israel, which Hams fired at, there would likely have been thousands of deaths. “

According to his words, as Israel must respond to a terrorist group that wants to destroy it and attack it in civilian areas, but he cannot kill civilians, what he implements is a warning technique.

“Israel calls the inhabitants of the buildings, from which Hams shoots, and gives them time to withdraw so that the building is destroyed by bombs and not by people. Israel’s target is not Palestinian civilians, but Hams terrorists“, underlined the specialist.

The founding charter of ham


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