What is the most dangerous cheese in the world?


the cheese “March affair”, Developed in Italy, is one of the most consumed in the country, but the most dangerous in the world, because it is prepared with larvae cheese fly, known as Piophila casei.

Coincidentally, the name of this cheese is Casu Marzu meaning “rotten cheese” in the Sardinian dialect of the region in which it is consumed, the Italian island of Sardinia. These larvae are introduced to promote fermentation and obtain the final creamy result.

After three months of fermentation, the cheese is ready to be eaten. At this time, this insect can be perfectly appreciated: they are whitish worms of a size which unos 8 mm, and it is recommended to wear glasses to consume it, as it can jump up to 15 cm.

Casu Marzu has a yellowish color and a smooth texture. It also consists of a high acidity, being a strong cheese that itches in the mouth.

Just as most consumers put the larvae aside, others eat them. If when opening the product we find dead worms, it means that cheese is bad and should not be eaten.

Therefore, this cheese could be hazardous to human health, as the worms can survive and cause intestinal miasis, which are microperforations in the intestine. So far, no cases have been recorded due to the consumption of this cheese.

Thus, for reasons of hygiene and sanitation, the sale of casu marzu is prohibited both in Italy and in the EU. This cheese is also included in the list of traditional Italian agrifood products, which allows its regional production as long as it is not marketed.

Just as most consumers put the larvae aside, others eat them. (Photo: soloqueso.com)

There are other cheeses of extreme fermentation: “Cheese with mites” German or “Mimolette” French are not fermented by bacteria and / or fungi as typically occurs in cheese, but they their feces those who ripen the product.


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