What is the most effective vaccine against the Delta strain – News


The Delta variant brings part of the world to its knees due to its contagiousness and aggressiveness. According to data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) This new strain is present in at least 85 countries.

Moscow, for example, experienced this Sunday the deadliest day since the start of the pandemic, with 144 deaths in the last 24 hours, due to the expansion of this strain which has raged in Russia since June, the sixth country on more affected. deaths from Covid-19 after the United States, Brazil, India, Mexico and Peru.

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The effects of this variant of the virus, which is particularly contagious in unimmunized people, has prompted the Russian authorities to redouble their efforts to convince their skeptical citizens to be vaccinated.

A study published on Monday by the public health agency Public health England (PHE) indicates that vaccines manufactured by Pfizer and AstraZeneca they are very effective against the new Indian variant of the coronavirus, offering 88% and 60% protection respectively.

While the effectiveness against the British variant is 93% (Pfizer) and 63% (AstraZeneca).

The Gamaleya Institute reported, for its part, that the vaccine Sputnik V it’s more efficient. The study carried out by the Russian institution has already been sent for publication in the various scientific journals, although it has not yet been examined by the various actors of the scientific community.

“Sputnik V is more effective against the Delta variant of the coronavirus, for the first time detected in India, than any other vaccine which has published results on this strain so far,” they assured from RDIF, via the account official of Twitter Russian vaccine.

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What about the Janssen and Moderna?

As for the other two vaccines authorized in the European Union, there are no studies on their specific effectiveness with the Delta strain, the site published on Monday. The Economist from Spain.

However, the results and preliminary work on the vaccine Modern point out that it offers a similar degree of efficiency in all variants.

The effectiveness of the two doses

University of Navarre microbiologist Ignacio López-Goñi told EFE that “both doses of Pfizer or AstraZeneca are effective enough to control this variant.” “They provide a good immune response and are effective in preventing hospitalization,” he explained.

The specialist added that “some leakage to neutralizing antibodies has been detected at an experimental level, and less effective with a dose vaccine “.


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