What is the state of health of the elected president?


The author of the book "Sick of power", Nelsón Castro, has given details on the subject and refers to things that should change to be better.

Now that he will be president, Alberto Fernández's health has become an important issue on the agenda of the public debates, and this has been noticed in recent hours, when the false news of a supposed internment of the leader Front of all have circulated on social networks.

The rumor was quickly belied by the environment of the president-elect. Journalist and neurologist Nelson Castro also spoke about the problem. "Alberto Fernández is doing well," he said, although he did not fail to scold him: "He's fat," and asked his staff to "curb" the croissants.

"There has been a lot of rumors during these hours, typical of politics, but the truth is that Alberto Fernández is in good health," said author of the book "Sick of Power: Health of presidents and its consequences, "according to Profile.

"He had a slight pressure drop in Tucumán, the result of all the turmoil of recent days.He did not have any other problem," he said about the Episode occurred during the appointment of Governor Juan Manzur in the northern province of Argentina.

In this sense, Castro confirmed in his show La Mirada Despierta that it was broadcast on continental radio that Fernández "will be going to Mexico today, will meet President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and, with his current partner (Fabiola Yáñez), it will take a few days on the beaches of Mexico. "

"He has not been hospitalized, he has no cancer or any of those things that circulate on the networks," he said bluntly.

The journalist also recalled the interview that Fernández had given him after his hospitalization in June of this year, in which he had mentioned the illness he was suffering from. "He has not had a health problem, but he has a hereditary disease, which his sister has suffered and I also think of her mother, who is a thrombophilia," he said.

"That is to say, he has a tendency to form clots, so he had an episode of pulmonary thromboembolism, a thrombus is a clot, that's why he has to take anticoagulants for life" , did he declare.

"When he was admitted to the Otamendi sanatorium in June, it was because he had forgotten to take his medication and that he had had an episode of cough, a pain at the chest that had led to hospitalization, with the very good judgment of his doctor and a series of studies to see if he had had pulmonary thromboembolism, "continued Castro.

"What is a pulmonary thromboembolism? When a clot touches one of the arteries responsible for lung irrigation, it can be very serious, severe or mild." The severity depends on the size of the artery that impacts and can produce He had had this episode, he had been admitted and it was notorious that the results of the studies did not present thromboembolism.The suspicions were and n '# 39; have not been confirmed, Alberto Fernández has resumed treatment and everything is back to normal, "he continued.

Finally, to dispel the doubts, the journalist and the doctor summed up: "This is the health problem of Alberto Fernández, who was also fat when he came, I told him he was overweight and embarrassing for his pathology, he likes to eat a lot, and his collaborators have to slow down, "he concluded.

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