What is the thermometer you need to look to predict the dollar, according to Martín Redrado


L & # 39; economist

Martin Redrado

he was in

Mesa Chica

, the program broadcast by

LN +

and badyzed the uncertainty of trade. "We have the same exchange rate as in 2009. It is reasonably competitive," he said, stressing however that what needed to be evaluated, was the relationship between the company and the company. 39, supply and demand.

The former president of

central bank

he foresaw a "stability and balance" between the two variables and described: "Argentina's demand will be $ 41,500 throughout the year and its offer of $ 39,000". In spite of this, the guest criticized: "When you talk to public officials, they say that there can be no buying dollars because anyone who wanted to buy dollars the bought last year, because there are no pesos in the street. "

And, in view of this scenario, he pointed out, "People do not dollarise the money that they have in circulation, but the fixed terms." The dynamics in a process of tension of exchange rates lies in the fact that the fixed terms are visible and that they go out of sight. dollars. "

For him, in the current context of the country, the return of

Cristina Kirchner

it would be "a leap into uncertainty". The economist, wondering about the fate of candidate Cristina, said: "The number of polls is increasing
silence, so … what is Cristina? If this is the one we saw from 2010 to 2015 that looted all boxes that belonged to the public sector, starting with the Central Bank and then looted ANSES, PAMI, Banco Nación … What Cristina did no possibility because there are no more money banks in Argentina. The money is over. "

The plan to arrive at the anesthesia plan

Redrado proposed two types of paths: the arrival plan and the anesthesia plan
Redrado proposed two types of paths: the arrival plan and the anesthesia plan Source: THE NACION

Redrado proposed two types of paths: the finish plane and the anesthesia plan. The latter, he explained, consists of "anesthetizing the two main variables of the economy, namely the exchange rate and the search rates to arrive at

the elections of october


In this regard, he stated that the main problem of the Argentine economy is the

l & # 39; inflation

. In any case, he criticized
economic measures taken by the government in recent days and condemned "for technical reasons,
they bring "zero" in terms of solutions. And he remarked, "Anesthetize does not solve, it delays problems."

Debt "is not like driving a karting"

On the


Argentina said: "Argentina does not have a debt problem, it's a tricky and difficult but manageable situation, you need to know how to manage it, it's not like driving a kart, c driver who knows how to handle it. "

He also stated that it was unclear on what should be done with the

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

and considered that there is "an overvaluation in the possibility of renegotiating it". "In my opinion, we must take a new step in our relations with the IMF: a stabilization plan and a growth plan developed in Argentina with a consensus and laws that will be adopted during the first months of the next government." he explained.

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