What is the use of Macri – 23/02/2019


First of all, my friend, I tell you that a few weeks ago, I was called by an important opposition leader who is now back in Kirchnerism (in General, I never attend politicians, but I could not refuse him).

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The guy always cordially explained to me that he had not changed his mind and that it was with Cristina to guarantee that, if he carried it off, she would not do those things that he himself had been criticizing for years. We already know what we are talking about: authoritarianism, persecutions, public escraches and their great successes "Cristina eterna", "Bye bye Constitución", "Vamos por todo" and "I love Irán", all with the musical arrangements of Diego Gvirtz and his beautiful phalanx propaganda. We are not talking about chore and malpractice.

So, in the hypothetical hypothesis of a dazzling hotel return with bags and saucers, it would guarantee that no one should settle in Reykjavik, as some would expect. As you can imagine, my friend, the call allowed me to stay calm. I tell him to bring you peace too.

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The only problem is that neither this leader nor any other leader of Kirchner has said a word about Dalbón's recent statements, the lawyer representing Cristina, who stated that "If she goes to jail, rivers of blood will flow." They did not talk much about the call of D? Elía a little less than hanging everyone in the Plaza de Mayo. And much less has opened his mouth every time Moreno called for this government to be oligarch and … atheist! Believe it or not, it says the successful economist who badumed the duties of trade secretary in 2006 with the kilo of yerba at 3.50 mangoes and went in 2013 with the same kilo to 32 pesitos. Let's check naphtha, milk, beef, canned tuna, diapers, school supplies. You can take the object you want that they all went to shit. And now he comes, accuses you of being an atheist and wants to explain it to you. The reality is that they had an inflation of ostia and, from the INDEC, hid from God our Lord and these holy gospels.

I am convinced that Kirchner's serious leadership is against these expressions, but she still does not say so, because she may be waiting for more barbarities to be able to repudiate them all together.

Maybe they should collect bestiality during the week and go out to repudiate them, for example, Friday at the last minute to not accumulate as much. In this way, we could all spend the weekend without discharging and Monday the fachos could start again, already with the mileage to zero.

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I have no doubt that in the next few days we will see Taiana, Filmus, Kicillof, Alberto Fernandez, Chino Navarro, Felipe Solá, Manzur, Scioli, Moreau, Uñac, Alicia, Máximo, Magario, Insaurralde, Gioja, Capitanich and many others. Others energetically all these things.

They do not repudiate Maduro because we can not expect them to spend the day repudiating things. At some point, you have to work.

In the meantime, go all the solidarity of this page to Diego Brancatelli to whom a nice couple of hairy beasts tried to stop him from walking with his son to go shopping.

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From there, we bet as at his time, we also bet on Kicillof when, a few years ago, a tropilla mussoliniana who would spend the summer in Punta del Este, registered in Buquebús and wanted to throw it to the river with all his family (February 4, 2013, post).

That's the real crack. On the one hand, those who think that we all have the right to live freely in our country beyond what everyone thinks. On the other hand, those who do not do it.

About. I am struck by the people who defend Venezuela's military dictatorship through complex geopolitical arguments related to Trump, oil, the role of Bolsonaro, the IMF and the atheist oligarchy that Sargent Moreno fights.

But they do not connect all that with the Venezuelan engineer who brings them pizza by bike, who had to escape from his country and that every pesito of tip that receives the popular activist who defends Maduro, is made so that his family in Caracas can transform something. Strange lack of empathy with the one who suffers. The battle to defeat Henry Kissinger is a bit confusing, and when the delivery arrives, the desperation around the muzza and faina obscures their view.

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Since we are going to dedicate this new season to page 2 to all the foreigners of good will who come to our country. Especially Venezuelans who give us daily good vibrations and education.

What for them is the tragedy of having left their homeland, for us, it is the blessing to receive them in Argentina, land of immigrants in case anyone. one would forget. If the hand comes from xenophobia, on this page, we will defend them with nails and teeth.

All that being said, let's move on to the title dilemma. What's the use of Macri?

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At this point, it is clear that the Macri government has the best team to win the election, but it costs a little bit to find a team that has an idea of ​​how a country is governed.

In addition, the most serious mistake may have been trying to govern with the same team that only serves to win the election. It's curious, since we are talking about a president who once learned that it is very difficult to play the local tournament and the Libertadores with the same team. In October, will you have the opportunity to try to build another best team of the last 50 years?

We will not remember this government of Macri (the first? The only one?) For reducing poverty or inflation or for setting in motion a vigorous productive process. But maybe that was not what we voted for. think

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Without pretending to compare anything, the Alfonsín government has found itself involved in the greatest hyperinflation of history. The years went by until many people understood that Don Raul's mission was not to channel the country's economy but something much more important: take the Argentine people out of the civil-military logic and definitively establish a democratic conscience. The Junta trial was the cornerstone of this mission.

So much so that Peronism itself, which until then solved its differences, made in 1988 one of the most exemplary internal elections in the history of Argentina: Cafiero vs. Menem . It was so impeccable and democratic that the favorite candidate who had the greatest resources (Cafiero) ended up losing. Alfonsin had also succeeded in democratizing Peronism.

What is the role of Macri? Repair the macroeconomic disaster left by Kirchnerism? Does the great Argentine epic want to reach the zero deficit? That's all? Is this what we want?

It is very difficult to badyze the story as it happens.

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The Macri government may have to restore the Republic. Stay away from the Chavista format. Lead us to a new reality in which we must always choose between options, more left or more right, but undeniably Republican.

If Cristina does not show up (even if it seems impossible, that can not be excluded), the Republic will have won by abandonment. If this happens, the Republic can win by points.

Thus, the great challenge of non-Kirchner Peronism is to build this republican alternative without which there is no democratic alternation. If they succeed, it will be a success, whether they win an election or not. It's sowing for the future. Look further, boys. May the muzza and the faina not disturb their sight.

And you, Gato! Have you thought well in India? The following Sunday is March and for the moment nothing has caught fire. Come on, it's a day at a time. Step by step. Ommmm


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