What is there to see at the cinema? President Under Fire's criticism


And I do not say it for all but for that 90 percent whose filmmakers seem to want to respond to all the requirements of the genre but also to clichés. Then we have the story of one man who was killed all his family and goes out in search of revenge, another who is a mercenary and must complete a job which generates a moral conflict, and also that of subject unjustly accused of a crime He did not commit to do everything to ensure justice.

That's why after saving the White House of a Korean terrorist group and then in the city of London from another command that I wanted chaos and anarchy, now the secret service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler), must prove that it had nothing to do with the badbadination attempt of the president Alan Trumbull (Morgan Freeman), who was in a coma.

With his own family in danger and persecuted by his own colleagues, Bannning will seek to restore his reputation and honor in all likelihood. As always, bah.

In this way, the second sequence of Attack at the White House (Olympus fell, 2013) and London under fire (London fell in 2016), it is only looking to take advantage of the success of previous deliveries (which were relatively good at the box office although they were not 'tanks"Far from it) although this time has only the main role of Gerard Butler since the character of Aaron Eckhart (President Benjamin Asher) has given way to his successor, Trumbull (Freeman) who already has extensive experience as a North American and South African leader.

The director Rick Roman Waugh sought to tell a new adventure of Mike Banning it does not differ too much from what is happening in many of the seasons of the series that we remember 24 (2001-2014), to the point that it is so similar that we often find that we already know what will happen in advance.


Even the villain of the film is an actor who usually badumes similar roles, and we will not name to not spoil. It seems that this whole story is told and that we have already seen and heard it a thousand times.

However, despite everything, the charisma of the protagonists, especially Butler and Free man hThe story is quite bearable and also has very good action sequences.

In short, president under fire is an alternative to spend an entertaining Saturday night, either in the cinema or on cable, but we can not expect more than a lot of shooting and explosions with a background known to others .


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