What is Tsunami Democràtic, the organization behind the revolts in Catalonia


A new player appeared in society this week within the Catalan independence movement. It is about Democratic Tsunami, a citizen platform mobilized since early September through social networks to organize peaceful demonstrations to reject the "trial" case. Even before the leaders who organized the referendum on independence on October 1 became aware of the convictions of the Supreme Court, the Democratic Tsunami has already begun to summon the population. mobilize whatever the small character of the decision.

The organization is protected in secrecy despite a great power of convocation, as we could see on Monday, October 14 with the blockade of the airport of Barcelona to Prat, the various mobilizations for the Catalan territory or the broadcast of the video of Pep Guardiola Its origin is not known, neither is the details of its structure or its flowchart, but it undoubtedly has an important ramification and a strong influence.

The new collective no visible leader supports his power in civil society. "The response that has been organized aims to generate a widespread crisis in the Spanish state that will continue over time," he warned in his social networks. He has already announced other measures of force over the next few days, such as a student strike tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday or a possible general strike on Friday, October 18th. "It will take all that is necessary to achieve the objectives," they summarize from the platform.

"Let's take the initiative again: with non-violence and civil disobedience as tools, we go to the sentence. Let's change the state of things, "said his first tweet.

Tsunami Democràtic's structure would be similar to that organized by 1-O and uses social networks to make calls: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and the Telegram instant messaging application. He also has a website in which he informs his activists of legal issues, among others, and of a mobile app where future actions and protest measures are announced.

The Catalan political parties JxCat, ERC and CUP endorsed the movement, as well as the Catalan and mnium Cultural National Assembly and the Republican Defense Committee (CDR). I want to say that He has the support of influential institutions.

Despite its organizational capacity, preparation, ramifications and high influence no one knows who is behind this platform. There is no leader or spokesperson since the movement is born anonymously and spontaneously. Some Spanish media suggest that it is possible that those who manage the actions of the Tsunami Democràtic do not know each other.

We will finally know who is behind these movements of the democratic tsunami, said the Spanish Minister of the Interior

Before the action at Prat Airport, the Minister of Development, José Luis ÁbalosHe warned that this could have consequences by pointing out that "the right to protest is not an unlimited right". In this sense, the Spanish official stressed that "the call of the day before was not communicated", as appropriate when an event, a concentration or a strike is called, and warned than "The blockage of an airport does not cut a road".

For his part, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-MarlaskaHe said the government had started a process to find the leaders of the platform. "Of course, there are investigations, we have effective intelligence services and we will finally know who is behind these movements of the democratic tsunami," he said.

One of the main suspicions is that the organizers of this platform are the members of the Catalan government itself. It was on the eve of the creation of this movement, August 31, a meeting of the former president had been held in Geneva, Switzerland and had now escaped. Carles Puigdemont with the current president Quim Torra. The meeting also included Anna Gabriel, former CUP MP, number two Marta Rovira (ERC member escaped justice) and other CUP and ANC representatives.

The context. Increasing tension between the regional government and the central government comes one month before the new general elections in Spain are held. The acting president, Pedro SanchezIn February of this year, he was forced to call elections while he did not have the parliamentary support necessary to pass the finance bill.

On April 28, Sánchez's PSOE was the most voted force, but it was not enough to form a government. After several comings and goings with Pablo Iglesias' Podemos party, no agreement was finally found and elections were called for Sunday, November 10, 2019, during which analysts believe that The Catalan question will again have a significant weight in the decision of the electorate.



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