What Joe Biden said during the Falklands War


The current President of the United States, Joe Biden, had a supportive posture in the UK during the Falklands War. During these years, the president was a senator from the state of Delaware and demanded that Congress openly express its support for the British.

“Argentina is the aggressor”, defined Biden in 1982 while demanding as a parliamentarian that the United States Congress show a position of explicit support for the United Kingdom in the armed conflict. The Americans were one of the British’s historic allies, who were fighting our country in the South Atlantic.

39 years ago, Biden gave an interview to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and there he clearly expressed his position in favor of the North American ally. “My resolution, the only thing that seeks is to define which side we are on, and it is the British,” admitted the Democrat.

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“I think the secretary of state was precise in his analysis that the odds are very slim,” Biden said of Argentina’s chances of victory, mentioning the secretary of state of those years, Alexander Haig.

In his clear support for the occupation of the Falklands in favor of the United Kingdom, Biden promoted a project to declare a clear and firm position of the North American Congress in favor of the British. “The facts of this case touch on something of great hemispheric interest to the United States. The problem is, if we allow this part of the hemisphere for the forced settlement of land claims or disputes. we would encourage another series of acts and not just this war “he argued.

“It is clear that the aggressor is Argentina and it’s clear the UK is right and it should be very clear to all that the United States supports, ”said the senator at the time, referring to the context of government in Argentina, led by the civic-military dictatorship.

39 years of the Falklands War | Memory, truth, justice, sovereignty and peace

In this sense, Biden assured that the consolidation of relations with the United Kingdom in the armed conflict has enabled the country to strengthen the alliance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and continue to forge carnal relationship with an old ally.

During these years the world was still divided by what Winston Churchill called Iron Courtain, this border between the communism of the Soviet Union and the Western countries ruled by the United States.

Regarding the USSR’s support for Argentina in the conflict, Biden mentioned in 1982 that “there is no evidence that the Soviets are making a major move to move anywhere in the hemisphere.”

“I would regret to see a change in the situation in a way that would allow greater influence of the USSR or Communism in the hemisphere. But I would regret even more if we ruined an already fragile and fragile situation vis-à-vis NATO and its solidarity, ”Biden concluded on the Soviet role in the conflict.


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