What Joe Biden’s team said about their interview with Alberto Fernández


Joe Biden’s transition team gave their side on Tuesday of the conversation the President-elect of the United States had with the heads of state of Argentina, Costa Rica and Kenya, and with the Secretary-General of the United States. United Nations.

As for the telephone conversation with the Argentinian, there are no contradictions with what was reported by the Argentine Presidency, although there are some absences and other highlights. For example, No mention is made of the help Alberto F. asked him for in his negotiations with the IMF for Argentina’s debt.

In Buenos Aires, they reported that and also that Biden wants to help Latin America in financial matters, especially Argentina. They also pointed out here that Fernández had told him: “I want to work with you to command Latin America and I believe that with the Pope as a partner we will certainly do very well.”

On the other hand, the US statement also draws attention to highlight that they spoke of “economic cooperation” and “strengthening democracy” in the region, which will be seen from January 20 – when Biden will take over. his duties – especially in what he does in Venezuela. Biden defined Nicolás Maduro plainly and simply as a dictator, but did not say whether his strategy for him to step down would differ from that of Donald Trump, who criticizes Kirchnerism.

Bugle transcribe here the official information that the so-called Biden-Harris Presidential Transition Team posted on its website about Alberto Fernandez’s appeal, a summary that precedes the president-elect’s talks with Carlos Alvarado (Costa Rica) , with Uhuru Kenyatta (Kenya)) and with Antonio Guterres (UN Secretary General).

“The elected president met with the Argentine president, Alberto Fernández. The President-elect thanked President Fernández for his congratulations and expressed his gratitude for the long and deep friendship between the United States and Argentina. He is committed to working closely with Argentina to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and promote global health security, including by strengthening continental institutions. He stressed the need for even deeper continental cooperation to promote economic prosperity, fight climate change, strengthen democracy and manage regional migration flows, among other common challenges. The President-elect also recognized the importance of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Argentinean and Latin American people. “

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