What Michelle Bachelet said about Formosa


Bachelet in the report described the actions of the United Nations mission in Formosa, an organization that was invited by the provincial government to visit it and learn about the health strategy being implemented to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

Subsequently, complaints were lodged with the international organization for alleged human rights violations, which were brought by sectors of the national and provincial opposition against the government of Formosa.

Sectors of the opposition took the opportunity, via social networks, to distort what the report really says on the situation in the Northern Province.

The former president of Chile cited the report of the UN mission, which organized a series of meetings with provincial officials, civil associations, representatives of human rights organizations, civil society organizations including representatives of indigenous groups in Formosa, among others, policies pursued by the government of Formosa during the pandemic.

Bachelet said the body was quickly mobilized to address critical human rights concerns in Formosa province when the pandemic hit it. The government of Formosa maintains that the representative of the international organization, in the sections of the report, neither indicates nor expresses a violation of human rights in Formosa.

And he added: the UN Resident Coordinator led a virtual evaluation delegation with the participation of Unicef, Unfpa, WHO / PAHO and Acnudh.

He went on to stress that consultations had then been initiated with the provincial authorities on a common agenda and possible joint UN strategic agreements to respond to the health emergency in the province, in accordance with international human rights standards. man, which includes addressing a range of structural issues, with particular attention to indigenous peoples and vulnerable populations.

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