What movies are there to see at the movies? – 21/07/2018


Mamma mia! Let's go back


Ten years after "Mamma mia!", Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is pregnant and is about to open a hotel in Greece. And we see how, in 1979, a young Donna (Lily James) meets Harry, Bill and Sam.

The Scare

DOCUMENTARY. ARGENTINA, 2017. 67 & # 39;, SAM 13 In the city of El Dorado, Buenos Aires, several locals are dedicated to healing. But only one heals "El Espanto".

  Teaspoon. Claudia and Flavio were almost perfect for seven years. But ... PHOTO: CDI FILMS

Teaspoon. Claudia and Flavio were almost perfect for seven years. But … PHOTO: MOVIES CDI

Fragile lovers

DRAMA. ITALY, 2017. 91 & # 39;, SAM 16

A couple separates after seven years of relationship. He strives to overcome it and return to his routine; she would never forget

Hotel Transylvania 3 Now the clan goes on a cruise vacation

Hotel Transylvania 3. The clan goes on a cruise vacation

Hotel Transylvania 3


Dracula, his daughter Mavis, Johnny, Frankenstein and the rest of his friends take a vacation on the luxurious Monster Cruise

Las olas


Alfonso (Alfonso Tort) makes a fantastic journey through different summers and spas in which he has been throughout his life. Adrián Biniez ("Gigante" and "El 5 de Talleres")

The film of the actress Maria Schrader is divided into four chapters during the exile of Stefan Zweig

The film of the actress Maria Schrader is divided into four chapters during the exile of Stefan Zweig.

] Stefan Zweig: Goodbye to Europe

DRAMA. AUSTRIA / GERMANY / FRANCE, 2016. 105 & # 39; SAM 13

The last years of the life of the great Austrian writer, fleeing the rise of Nazism in 1936, leave for America.

The Wasp and Ant Man. It's the first Marvel movie in which the female protagonist is in the title. PHOTO: DISNEY

The wasp and the ant man. It's the first Marvel movie in which the female protagonist is in the title. PHOTO: DISNEY

Ant-Man and the Wasp

COMEDY / ACTION. USA, 2018. 118 & # 39;, SAM 13

The understated character helps the Wasp find his mother. More humor than action in this production of Marvel

The omission

DRAMA. ARGENTINA, 2018. 90 & # 39 ;, SAM 16

Paula (Sofia Brito) travels to Ushuaia to work during the tourist season, to raise money and go with her partner and daughter to Canada.

Wedding Invitation

DRAMA. PALESTINE, 2017. 97 – SAM 13

Faced with the impending marriage of his sister, Shadi returns from Italy to Palestine, to help his father in the preparations.

Pili and his ex. Oreiro and Diego Torres, a proven couple. UIP / Paramount

Pili and his ex. Oreiro and Diego Torres, a proven couple. UIP / Paramount.

Re loca

COMEDIA. ARGENTINA, 2018. 94 ", SAM 16

Pili has a bad day at all levels, until an infusion makes him say cir and does all that's right. He likes it. With Natalia Oreiro

El nitrogen [19659002] DRAMA. ARGENTINA, 2017. 88 & # 39;, SAM 16

Carlos is a social worker who helps minors in the suburbs of Bariloche. From José Campusano

 A scene from "Jurbadic World" : The fallen Kingdom. "

A scene from" Jurbadic World: The Fallen Kingdom. "

Jurbadic World: The Fallen Kingdom


The eruption of the volcano of the island of Nublar led to saving prehistoric species, to save them