What number do you see? : the viral challenge that could detect if you have vision problems


A new viral challenge is taking hold of the Internet: a picture full of dots where, after seeing it for a few seconds, a four-digit number begins to appear. Those who designed it assure that, depending on what you see, you can tell whether or not you have a vision problem.

The first thing you need to do is take your eyes off the screen for a few seconds, then focus on the center of the image until you start to see the numbers.

Depending on the challenge, If you see a 3246 you might have astigmatism and nearsightedness, however if it’s a 3240 you might have astigmatism in one of your eyes.

Now alright if you found the number 1246 you could have myopia while a 1240 would be the number of perfect vision.


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