What revealed autopsy of the body of the young man who appeared dead in a square – 07/16/2018


The anguish of the parents of Joaquín Martínez (21 years old) does not stop, even with the result of the autopsy on the body of Paraguayan youth who, on Thursday, after leaving the home to go to school, He died sitting on the floor, under a tree, in Plaza Latinoamericana Square in Palermo.

According to sources with access to the record, the preliminary result of the autopsy of Martínez's body determined that there were no external injuries. that the cause of death was " congestion and pulmonary edema and diffuse encephalic edema ."

In the preliminary autopsy report, it is stated that the corpse " did not have visible external lesions ] Except for a prick in the elbow" that, according to the victim's relatives was because "they had pulled blood" for a study about 48 hours before.

Meanwhile, researchers attempt to ] rebuild the last one and a half hours of Joaquín's life: at 18:45 left his house, in Cabrera 4000, and at 20:15 was declared died by a doctor from Same. Between the home and the place of fact there are more than four blocks away.

Parents seek, through the dissemination of the case, to try to appear witnesses. At the point where the body appeared, no trace of aggression was found, although it turned out that he had been hit in the head.

Another peculiar fact, which is also the subject of an investigation to verify his relationship with the death of Joaquin, is the disappearance of his sister, Sara who spent 48 hours outside his house.

On the day of the disappearance of the girl, Joaquín was found by police, disappeared by alcohol intoxication in front of a supermarket on Avenida Santa Fe at 3700.

The girl, aged 14, has come back safe and sound. But Thursday, everything is again a drama in Joaquín's house. And before the antecedent of the day of the disappearance of his sister and the cause of death revealed by the autopsy, one of the hypotheses is that the boy might have been suffering from an accident. a new intoxication alcoholic.

body was also found vomit from which the results of studies are expected, as well as plexus of complementary toxicological badyzes of the autopsy.

One sentence

The truth is that the body of the 21-year-old man was found on last Thursday, under a tree, on the square located at the intersection of the Avenue Medrano and Costa Rica, in Palermo, last Thursday.

According to his parents, the young man had left for the faculty. But it never happened. They could say that a group of children walking in the area saw him with breathing difficulties and warned a police officer. He was already in the square, where he finally died.

"They thought to be drugged because there was vomit next to him. The police took samples and a bottle of Gatorade, which he had always taken, "says Sonia, Joaquín's mother

Nicolás, the father of the deceased, confirmed a singular detail that could be linked to the fatal outcome:" He left a sentence written on the wall of his room, in English, which says ] it's me, I want to go home, you should know it 'We do not know what'. he meant by that Before leaving, I was cooking and I asked him if he was going to the faculty and he said yes.

Meanwhile, Prosecutor's Office No. 62, in charge of Ariel Yapur, dictated the secrecy of the summons and the victim's parents do not know the reason.

On the other hand, they denounce that neither Joaquín's mobile phone nor his tablet were with him although his notebook was there.

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