What role did Daniel Bertoni's brother play in the police-led group that he had stolen for 8 years – 07/24/2018


The crime that triggered the investigation occurred eight years ago . The gang that committed it never stopped working, nor did its leaders use their influence in the Buenos Aires police to cover up their crimes. Escruches, car theft and the sale of drugs are some of the crimes that they have committed.

Now, 11 of its members have fallen, among which three officers appear, a gymnastic and fencing barrabrava of La Plata, and Carlos Bertoni, brother of the attacker Daniel Bertoni, footballer of the 39, Argentine national team, world champion in 1978.

For investigators, the leaders of the organization would be the inspector Gustavo Bursztyn Patrols Command of La Plata; and 1st Lieutenant Gustavo Mena, a former street chief of the second La Plata police station who was placed on hold in 2015.

These two officers from the province of Buenos Aires managed the criminal network. According to the prosecution, they marked empty houses in which there was money to commit what in jargon is known as "escruches" . Investigative sources told Clarín that the police recruited criminals who committed the crimes "almost always in pairs" and "liberated the area they can fly without being detected. They operated in the center of La Plata .

The link with offenders justifies it with the figure of "informants": thieves pretend to be "buchones" of the police and judge their thefts to others . "They accused those who did not want to fly for the gang and ended up falling as prisoners for their robberies or hijacking investigations," they warned. "They did not let anyone to do it," sources said in the case.

It is that the detainees were also in the business of "auto parts" and "binoculars with crafty papers". Carlos Bertoni who was the brother of the former independent marker, was an insurer. In this case, it is attributed two fundamental roles: to indicate the houses for "technical verifications" and to falsify the documentation of a vehicle .

  A car seized from the group derailed to the gang in La Plata

A car seized from the gang derailed the gang in La Plata

What triggered the investigation was the crime of Juan Roberto Farías (30), murdered on December 1, 2010 in the lobby of the building of 44th Street, between 26 and 27, in the exclusive area of ​​La Plana in La Loma. He lives with his wife and 9-year-old daughter . We first talked about a robbery and, later, an adjustment of the accounts. Did the victim have a history and knew one of his killers, who did not stop asking for "money" during the badault.

Behind this crime, they suspect a theft that went wrong: Farias would have entered a house reportedly reported by Bertoni but did not have the "permission" of Commissioner Bursztyn or the Agent Mena to do it. It is that I was in the jurisdiction of another police group. The victim would have done the "work" the same and they killed him with three bullets.

  Police and prosecutors at the door of the building where Juan Roberto Farías was killed in 2010

by police and prosecutors at the door of the building where Juan Roberto Farías was killed in 2010

In 2013 they arrested Adrián Manes, identified as one of the shooters by a neighbor and that Farias opened the door to him to enter the department of 44th Street.

"Manes also flew to Bursztyn and Mena, was part of the common thing between them was the drug," said the source of the case.

Manes is imprisoned for the murder of Farías. But put him under house arrest in 2017 and he got into jail because he was selling drugs with his electronic bracelet: he accumulates three causes and, for the investigators, he has "the suppliers of large quantities of cocaine and marijuana who resold the band members, also in complicity with Bursztyn and Mena."

"He managed everything from prison," confirmed the spokespersons. that were conducted there was one in the Penitentiary Unit No. 9 of La Plata, where Manes is being held. And another in the penitentiary of Olmos, where Hector Alfredo Vega (39 years old) is in prison, also imprisoned for the crime of Farías and for another cause of theft .

The investigation was conducted by the No. 2 prosecutor's office of La Plata, in charge of Betina Lacky, with the federal police and the airport security police.

Thanks to the wiretap and the witnesses, they were able to divide the tasks. "The 11 persons arrested are accused of murder, aggravated robbery, conspiracy and concealment.The last episodes would have taken place the last week, shortly before the arrests.

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