What should Argentina do to sell quality meat in China? – 07/12/2018


The International Consultant Asian Agribusiness Consulting (AAC), with twenty years of experience in the East, recently presented the results of a thorough qualitative market study commissioned by the Institute. for the promotion of Argentine beef (IPCVA) in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong.

The study included research and interviews with importers, distributors, supermarkets and consumers without neglecting e-commerce, which has grown rapidly in recent years. The first big news of this work is that the Chinese, who currently consume only six kilograms of beef a year, will eat 8.1 kilos in 2027 . This is not a minor fact, given that it is a market of over 1,300 million people who do not self-supply and will not be able to do it – despite government initiatives in this area – at least in the short and medium term. [19659003] China currently accounts for 50% of Argentina's beef exports. ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

China currently accounts for 50% of Argentina 's beef exports

"Today China accounts for more than 50% of our exports so that' s why it is very important to study the market to design strategies that not only increase sales to the industry but also position themselves as a high quality meat at a better price. "[19659002] According to the study, currently 16 countries are allowed to export beef to China .These, at least until now, Australia, the United States United and New Zealand (those who work in this market for longer) are best placed in the high-quality segment, while Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay sell beef in These six countries account for more than 95% of the meat imported by the C hine

In addition, over 90% of China's imported meat is frozen and boned leaving a small niche of high value fresh meat that today occupies Australia, New Zealand and the United States. However, this small segment of fresh meat, according to the expert, is what allows these countries to position themselves in the "top of the mind" quality meat. what is happening in the rest of the world, Argentine beef is "new" in China and our country was able to access this market in 2011.

However, according to the survey, 86% of those surveyed have heard of Argentina as a country, 23% has had the experience of consuming Argentine wine, and 60% of those surveyed know Argentina by the football team. Of the respondents, only 18% tried Argentine meat, although 64% of them would like to taste it.

  In May, Argentine meat was present in SIAL China.

In May, Argentine beef was present SIAL China

The paper also points out that Argentina should work on several aspects to achieve better positioning. In principle, according to the interviews, achieve greater uniformity of the product ie shipments of similar consistency sustained over time.

Also, a good positioning in the big China's social networks will be needed (WeChat, with 800 million users, and Weibo, with 400) and differentiating actions in supermarkets, with distinctive labeling – such as the one currently used by the & & & & [[[AustraliaNewZealandandtheUnitedStates-producttastingsandteachingoftheirpreparation

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