What should be done if your gas bill arrived with the estimated consumption


After several claims for measures that were not compatible with the consumption of gas in their home and the intervention of Enargas, Ecogas informed the mechanisms that users must follow to claim if the measurement has been "estimated". 19659002] From the company, they indicated that if the invoice indicates that the reading was "estimated", you have the option of not paying it and asking for its replacement by an invoice with the actual consumption.


To review the bill, it is necessary to report to Ecogas.

The means of communicating with the company are through its website (www.ecogas.com.ar), by mail to [email protected], by WhatsApp at 261-2-060 -065 or by calling 0810-999-8000.

There you can request a new reading visit.

According to the company's statement the estimate of bills is a mechanism provided by Enargas service regulation which is used after two visits to a consumer address without being able to get the reading.

"Estimates should be based on the historical average of the user's consumption, for the same billing period of the last two years, or for consumption for the same period of the year. before, if the history of consumption was less than two years, "they said.

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