What the Wikileaks cable says in which Luis D 'Elía says that they are asking for his arrest


Luis D 'Elia has returned this afternoon to justice to comply with the sentence of 3 years and 9 months imprisonment for the capture of La Boca police station in 2004. In a video that was broadcast on social networks go to the courts of Comodoro Py, said that his detention "it was due to a request from the United States " and refers to the Wikileaks 1222 cable.

On this cable, from 12 November 2009, a private conversation during a meeting between Mauricio Macri, then chief of government of the city of Buenos Aires, and the American ambbadador, Vilma Socorro Martínez.

In the leak, it was revealed that she had told Macri that she had noticed that Justice had dismissed the accusations against D 'Elía for taking the police station, despite the overwhelming evidence against him, including a video. Macri then replied that he considered that the sentence of the court, in favor of the piquetero K, "was a excellent example of intimidation who received justice during the Kirchner government ".

According to Wikileaks cable, the current President of the Nation told him at that time that he believed that the decision would be appealed. In addition, the text indicates that the Ambbadador pointed out that Macri and many other politicians opposed to Kirchnerism with whom he had spoken had used the word "fear" to describe the political climate of that moment .

However, in the images that were uploaded to his Twitter account, D & # 39; Elía gave a particular interpretation of the leak: "It's pure oligarchic vengeance of macrismo, to conform to the WikiLeaks cable 1222, where the US Embbady asks Macri to go to jail. "

"It's a shame for the justice and political sovereignty of the Argentine people," said activist Kirchner during his last public exhibition before he was jailed.

What is Wikileaks?

This is a platform created in 2006 and founded by the Australian Julian Assange. Its purpose is to provide information obtained through anonymous leaks.

The text of Wikileaks that mentions Luis D & # 39; Elia.
The text of Wikileaks that mentions Luis D & # 39; Elia.

People with access to certain information, considered in the public interest, can download it on Wikileaks, which guarantees total protection of the source. Subsequently, a team of journalists works in the verification of information received.

The initial goal of Wikileaks is focused on countries with totalitarian regimes (the WikiLeaks page in Spanish mentions China, Russia, Central Eurasia, the Near East and Sub-Saharan Africa). However, it also receives leaks revealing unethical behavior on the part of governments and businesses around the world.


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