What to do if your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?


Mexico, July 16, 2018. – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a multifactorial disorder characterized by hyperactive behavior, lack of attention and memory, impulsiveness, lability emotional, alteration of learning and disproportionate emotional responses.

This was announced in an interview by the Department of Health's psychiatric services specialist (SAP), Gustavo Martos Alvidrez, who said that this disorder affects about 5 percent of the infant population, starts in the And affects men in a greater proportion.

He explained that the most common symptoms that the child manifest is the change from one activity to the other endless, they have difficulty to accomplish long tasks, repetitive and without appeal.

Children with ADHD get tired and bored easily, they can not organize to work, they tend to sit in the clbadroom, they easily lose things, they show aggressive and provocative behaviors with their teachers and parents.

He also explains that they have poor academic results, that they are frequently suspended, drop out of school in adolescence and they have problems relating to other children.

Martos Alvidrez mentioned that in order to have better results, treatment must be "multimodal", through psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment and psychopedagogy. In addition, he recommended joint work between parents and teachers.

He said the drug is essential for controlling the symptoms because it stimulates the neurotransmitters that regulate the production of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.

that manifestations of ADHD in the adult population are different, slow or inefficient, repeated delays in activities, lack of organization in their time, difficulties in starting and carrying out tasks, an inability to converse, a distraction, a work problem

The specialist recommended to be vigilant in the early stages of the life of minors, as well as to maintain communication with teachers, for early detection and effective treatment.

Here are the contacts from the Federal Ministry of Health for guidance:

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