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Banks suffer from a problem until recently reserved for the blue market. Customers no longer want a small face dollar

It is still difficult to get rid of your dollar savings to meet an expense in pesos by selling those currencies in a bank rather than in another place. On the other hand, given the inflationary expectations of 2021, those who have surpluses in pesos and want to switch to the dollar are limited in that they can only acquire US $ 200 per month.

While entities sell dollars over $ 168 per unit, when their customers want to sell them, they only pay $ 98 per unit. The temptation to go to the free market, to the MEP dollar or to make transactions directly in foreign currencies is very great: the saver gets around $ 180 per unit in a “cave”.

The various stock market references that are sold to retail savers, both on the legal segment and on the Stock Exchange and Caves, are in a range that goes from $ 165 to $ 180.

There aren’t a few savers who wonder what’s the difference between the 100 bill Dollars of “big face” and that of “girl face”. In this article we will try to dispel all your doubts and why find out which tickets are still valid and what are the specifics from dollar “girl face”.

Indeed, banks are already suffering from a problem until recently reserved for the blue market. Why do customers no longer want dollar “girl face”?

Dollar “little face”: which banknotes are still valid

In the informal foreign exchange market that operates in the city of Buenos Aires, there has been a differentiation between the different issues of the dollar bill.

In particular, finance companies and their clients they tend to prefer to work with the more modern models of the dollar bill and put aside the old ones. This is where the resistance begins for the dollar “girl face”.

When presenting old 100 dollar bills, savers get discounts of 2-5 pesos

Small dollar face: which banknotes are still valid

In the jargon, the discriminated papers are those that were printed in the United States until 1996, a design in which the Benjamin Franklin effigy from the $ 100 bill appears in an oval frame and that, in terms of dimensions, is smaller compared to later printed versions: hence its name dollar “girl face”.

Savers who come to the “caves” of downtown Buenos Aires and the rest of the country to sell dollar “girl face” they find they are offered up to $ 5 less in exchange rates, simply because these bills are “hard to move”.

And here we are faced with the main drawback of dollar “girl face”.


In real estate operations and other payments made in foreign currencies, it is not uncommon for one of the parties to refuse to receive Part of Pay in invoices of dollar “girl face”.

Banks are now in the same dilemma. Financial entities ensure that customers who come in turn to withdraw the currencies they have purchased up to the limit of $ 200 are they refuse to receive the dollar “face girl” Yes they require the most recent impressions.

Discrimination against pre-1996 banknotes has already led local money changers to seek help from the United States Embassy. to specify that dollar “girl face” They are legal tender and are as valid as the others.

Something that the diplomatic representation solves very easily by referring to the site of the Federal Reserve of the United States, the central bank of this country.

“Consumers around the world are being warned that there is no need to swap old-fashioned $ 100 bills for new ones. It is the policy of the US government that all designs of the American currency remains legal tenderregardless of the date of issue, “the Fed announced in 2013, the last time it renewed the design of the note and referred to the dollar “girl face”.

However, a rumor persists in the market that banks in the United States will eventually stop receiving these notes. dollar “girl face” because they have less security measures than the new ones. Hence the origin of the rejection of dollar “girl face”.

In the City the “small trees” take the tickets dollar “girl face” with discounts between 2 and 5 pesos, and they do the same with low face value notes, such as 10, 20, and 50 dollars.

How do you differentiate the new dollars from the “little faces” dollars?

The different impressions of the 100 dollar bill;  all are in circulation

Dollar “small face: the most resisted

At a glance, to know if a $ 100 bill is old or new, you have to pay attention to the figure of Franklin.

Once the chief scientist who discovered electricity and was one of America’s founding fathers is framed in an oval. This is why this bill is known in small tree jargon as dollar “girl face”.

In exchange, the most recent version of the American banknotes is the one with a blue stripe running through it and Franklin’s face in the foreground, without the oval.

This is the bill called “big head”, and the blue stripe This is an additional security measure that aims to prevent counterfeiting. Those these are the favorites in exchange for dollar “girl face”.

In addition, the new $ 100 bills released in 2013 feature a independence hall tower in which the clock shows 4:10, and a bell that changes color inside the inkwell.

What if I already have a “small face” dollar?

The alternative to get the most recent tickets is turn to banks, do not sell but deposit.

Those with a dollar savings account can deposit old bills (dollar “girl face”) and a few days later to delete them again, because the bank has the obligation accept any type of ticket and in general, when they replace them, they issue new tickets.

It is not uncommon to find a bank that also refuses to receive the dollar “girl face”, but in principle they are obliged to do so.

What can someone do who has received a dollar “little face” or who has it on the “mattress”?

In principle, do not go with dollar “girl face” to the informal market. Because there, by trying to offer them to receive pesos, the “arbolitos” or “cueveros” will probably take them at a value lower than the market value.

Considering the need to sell them, this will be a much better deal:

  • 1) Place them in a Bank, because in all entities they will be accepted without problems or deleted.
  • 2) Transfer them to an investment account to sell them on the MEP scholarship, which is currently almost equal to that of the blue dollar.

In the case of those who have stored large amounts of old dollars at home or in a safe, they have nothing to do because, as explained, they are still 100% valid and there is no plan or announcement that they will never be taken out of circulation.

From now on, whoever prefers to renew them to remain calm and has no chance of going to the United States to do so, what choice do you have?

Go to the bank counter to request to be exchanged for “girl face” tickets for newcomers, this does not seem like a viable plan today.

The only alternative would be to file the old bills in a savings account then go to the bank to withdraw the amount, crossing your fingers to receive it in copies with a new design.

Dollar vaccine: the revenge of “small face dollar” notes

Denied in recent times to be seen as a little less trustworthy, qThose who go for health tourism in Miami have started to lean towards “cabrachica” tickets.

The reason? In the trees of Florida Street you can get between $ 2 and $ 3 cheaper, depending on the amount, and in the United States They accept it with no problem and at 100% of its value. In fact, the Federal Reserve of this country ratified its validity in 2013 through the aforementioned declaration.

Know the dollar’s value in Dollar Today and track the price and behavior minute by minute. CLICK HERE


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