What treatment are gorillas infected with COVID-19 receiving?


"We are very concerned that these infections are occurring as our health protocols during the pandemic have been extremely rigorous.", said the authorities (Efe)
“We are very concerned that these infections are occurring because our health protocols during the pandemic have been extremely stringent,” authorities said (Efe)

After the Atlanta Zoo reported that a group of gorillas tested positive for COVID-19, veterinary authorities at the facility reported that the animals are treated with monoclonal antibodies.

The specialists sent the animal samples to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa for analysis, after a group of them showed symptoms such as cough, nasal congestion and loss of appetite. And that’s how they confirmed the positive diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2.

In addition to treating the animals with this advanced therapy, zoo officials have decided to take samples from the entire gorilla population at the zoo for testing, according to a statement. The park plans to continue testing the animals regularly.

“The teams are monitoring the affected gorillas closely and hope they make a full recovery,” said Sam Rivera, senior director of animal health, who stressed that the animals “They are receiving the best possible care and the attending physicians are ready to provide additional supportive care if necessary.”

Animals are treated with monoclonal antibodies to limit infection with COVID-19 (Europa Press)
Animals are treated with monoclonal antibodies to limit infection with COVID-19 (Europa Press)

Zoo officials said they were not sure exactly how the gorillas became infected, although they believe the virus may have been passed to the animals by a fully vaccinated, asymptomatic, COVID-19 positive employee. According to the park statement, the man was wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), which is common practice when working with great apes.

“We are very concerned that these infections will occur, especially since our health protocols applied to work with monkeys and other susceptible animal species during the pandemic have been extremely rigorous,” Rivera added.

“Although it is known that humans can transmit the virus to animals such as gorillas, and that these cases have occurred in other zoos, there is currently no data to suggest that zoo animals can transmit the virus to humans, “the statement added. In any case, visitors to the Atlanta Zoo do not pose a transmission threat to gorillas or vice versa, given the distance between areas used by guests and animal habitats.

Specialists sent animal samples for analysis after a group of them exhibited symptoms such as cough, nasal congestion and loss of appetite (Reuters)
Specialists sent animal samples for analysis after a group of them exhibited symptoms such as cough, nasal congestion and loss of appetite (Reuters)

The US Department of Agriculture and the Georgia State Veterinarian have cleared the Atlanta Zoo to use a vaccine developed specifically for animals, and gorillas will receive the vaccine once they recover. For now, the zoo plans to vaccinate its populations of “Borneo and Sumatran orangutans, Sumatran tigers, African lions and clouded leopards,” the statement said.

What is a monoclonal antibody

The body naturally produces antibodies to fight infection. However, antibodies designed to recognize a new virus such as SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19 disease, may not be available. Monoclonal antibodies, or mAbs, are made in the lab to fight a particular infection, in this case SARS-CoV-2, and are given to patients directly with an infusion -In pharmacology, it is the action of immersing an organic substance in a hot liquid, but without boiling, so that its soluble parts dissolve – and this is why treatment with mAb can help patients who have a high risk of developing severe symptoms or having to be hospitalized.

COVID-19 mAb treatment is different from a COVID-19 vaccine, specialists say (Getty)
COVID-19 mAb treatment is different from a COVID-19 vaccine, specialists say (Getty)

According to specialists, the mAb treatment for COVID-19 is different from a COVID-19 vaccine. A vaccine triggers your body’s natural immune response, but it can take weeks to build enough antibodies and prevent some types of infection. Almost all vaccines against the novel coronavirus require two injections, so that your body can develop its own immune response to the disease. But if you already have the virus, mAb treatment gives your body the antibodies it needs to protect itself.. An example of his actions could be seen with former US President Donald Trump.

Treatment with mAb takes place in an infusion center because it is given by intravenous infusion.. Depending on the type of mAb received, the entire process may take as little as 15 minutes, or around two to three hours.. First, the medical staff performs an assessment of the patient; then an intravenous line is started, delivering mAbs to the body in just over an hour. The person is then asked to stay in the infusion center for an additional hour to make sure they do not have an allergic reaction or other side effects. These reactions are rare, but they continue to wait an hour for protocols, and there the patient can go home.

“It’s important to know that even if you start to feel better, you can still pass the virus on for a while. Therefore, you will need to self-isolate until at least 10 days have passed since your first COVID-19 symptoms, you are fever-free for at least 24 hours, without taking any medications that reduce it, or if your others COVID-19 symptoms are improving. “warned the official drug agency of this country.


Borneo orangutans undergo coronavirus tests
How monoclonal antibodies work, a treatment that may reduce the risk of serious illness from COVID-19

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