What vaccines are recognized by the European Union against Covid-19


The European Medicines Agency only recognizes four vaccines approved for Covid-19, that is to say that it is only with them that they will be able to enter most of the countries that make up the continent. However, several countries have started to recognize other vaccines and exceptional situations to enter their territory.

The recognized vaccines are those of the laboratories Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca (double dose) and Johnson & Johnson (single dose). This leaves out vaccines of Chinese origin such as Sinopharm, Sinovac and Cansino, like the Russian vaccine Sputnik V and the Indian version of AstraZeneca, known as Covishield. None of them are approved, but several countries are starting to recognize them little by little.

Taking into account that Chinese and Russian vaccines were predominant in Latin America, they began to ease entry into some European countries, as is the case with France, Netherlands, Belgium and United Kingdom (which is no longer part of the EU), which already allow entry for those with the Covishield.

Also, both Spain, like the Netherlands and Austria they recognize Chinese vaccines from Sinopharm and Sinovac for travelers coming from abroad. They require two doses and a period of between a week and a month after the second injection – depending on the type of vaccine – for the immunization to be considered active.

50% of the Argentine population already has two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine

As for the Russian vaccine Sputnik V, only certain countries such as Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia and Cyprus accept travelers who present a double vaccination certificate with Sputnik V.

Italy, it could for its part establish a derogation to authorize the entry into its territory of its compatriots – often of dual nationality – vaccinated abroad with Russian or Chinese vaccines, without knowing the exact date of entry into force of ‘such a measure.

What about the combination of vaccines?

If you were to receive one dose of Sputnik and another dose of a vaccine authorized by the European Union, such as Moderna, you would not qualify to enter France as a tourist, a country which requires two doses with one of the 4 recognized vaccines.

As for travelers not vaccinated against Covid-19, they must present a “compelling” reason for travel to enter certain countries, or undergo a period of isolation. For tourist reasons this will be impossible.

As a precaution, before traveling, it is recommended to consult the consulate of the country concerned for the most recent health requirements and possible exceptions for compelling reasons.

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