What we know and what we do not know about the new variant of the coron …


A new variant of the coronavirus has been identified in the UK and has sparked alerts around the world. The shaking was such that European stock market shares fell, as did oil. The pathogen spread rapidly and forced the British authorities to impose severe restrictions, while a good part of the nations was forced to suspend the link with this territory. The Argentine government followed suit and canceled flights between Buenos Aires and London. At present, European science teams are working around the clock to gather more information, but – as is always natural – many aspects are just not known. Apparently it has been circulating since September and is 70% more contagious, although it is not known whether the disease it generates is more serious or causes more deaths. The big unknown is to determine the usefulness of the current vaccines. One of the references of Sputnik V assured that it is just as effective with the new variant.

Despite doubts and general uncertainty, the World Health Organization said the situation “is not out of control” and urged states to continue to apply sanitary measures (isolation, use of chinstrap and hygiene. ) which have already proven their effectiveness throughout these months. Michael Ryan, head of health emergencies at the WHO, stressed at a press conference: “We have recorded an R0 (virus reproduction rate) well above 1.5 at various times during this pandemic, and we have brought it under control. This situation, in this sense, is not uncontrollable. In this way, he placed cold rags and tried to carry a message of tranquility. Anxiety flares when information is scarce: here are the key points to consider.

What is known

To begin, What is a new variant of the coronavirus? Just as humans rely on their DNA, Sars CoV-2 has a genetic material: RNA. It’s something like “an instruction manual” that tells the pathogen how to replicate and is made up of 30,000 letters. Occasionally, the virus changes letters, which is to say “mute”. Explain it clearly Daniela Hozbor, Biochemist and principal researcher at Conicet at the Institute of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology of La Plata: “The identity of the virus is given by its genetic material, which in this case is an RNA with a size of 30 thousand letters. When it multiplies inside the host’s cells, errors are made in reading these letters. This is how mutations occur, which may or may not necessarily produce major changes.“. Then he continues, “If the changes are good for the virus, then they allow it to continue to replicate. What happened with this variant is that they have accumulated a lot of changes that have been beneficial for their viral cycle ”.

The difference to the previous Sars CoV-2 variant was found in 29 mutations of the 30,000 letters which – as shown – make up the genetic text of the virus and are concentrated in the S (Spike) protein, which functions as a gateway to the pathogen in the cells into which it enters and infects. In that sense, the new virus is – at least a little bit – different from the old one. This variant, a priori, would be transmitted with 70% more speed – which would increase the rate of infections – and we also know that It has already been circulating since September. In fact, of the newly infected reported by the UK Department of Health, 62% were infected with the new variant of Sars CoV-2. With this figure, it became evident that it was gradually replacing the previous one; however, this does not imply that it is more infectious.

Under this premise, in a document prepared by the Argentinian Society of Infectious Diseases (SADI), the following is highlighted: “Mathematical models, in which the impact of non-compliance with distancing measures is not weighted , suggest that this variant could be 70% more transmissible than the variants which circulated previously ”. And regarding the possible increase in the severity of infections, he postulates: “The information available on the severity of infections caused by the new variant of the virus is limited. To date, there is no evidence of an increased severity of the infection compared to the variant. These data present as limits most of the associated cases have been detected in people under the age of 60, who are less likely to develop severe symptoms“.

It is not yet clear whether the disease caused by the variant reported in the UK is more serious or causes more death. Other variations did not make a difference at this point. However, if the fact that it is more contagious were confirmed, that would be a sufficient problem as one of the main bottlenecks during the pandemic has been the availability of intensive care beds and essential resources such as ventilators. If there are more patients, facilities and supplies – which are limited – start to be scarce.

How do mutations occur?

This is not the first mutation to occur; on the other hand, they are much more common than you might think. In fact, the strain at the origin of everything in Wuhan (China) is different from the one circulating today. “To study mutations, we usually make a family tree. The point is to know where you come from and where you are going. At present, it is analyzed from many points of view how the genome of the virus is changing and its implications. All countries conduct surveillance in this style, Argentina is not exempt. There is an initiative called Country Project led at national level by Dr Mariana ViegasHozbor said. If in this case they do not know where it comes from, the scientific teams have been able to affirm – as has already been pointed out – that it has been circulating since September. So while suspending flights from Britain is a correct move, it is highly likely that the new variant of Sars CoV-2 is already in several countries which had migratory flows with it in recent months.

According to the hypotheses proposed to date, it could have come from patients with weakened immune systems, which generated the right conditions for the pathogen to be modified. These very days There is a variant that has been reported in South Africa and has very similar characteristics to the new one in UK. According to what has been warned from the African Nation’s Health Portfolio, it is most contagious in young individuals who develop more serious illnesses without having any pre-existing conditions. ZweliMkhize, the portfolio holder, reported that “a variant of the SARS-COV-2 virus, currently called Variant 501.V2, has been identified there by genomic scientists”. And that means even more: “The tests that are they have collected clearly suggest that the current second wave that we are living is being driven by this new variant,” he added.

Will the vaccines work or will they be less effective?

When the world first breathed in 2020, news of the new variant seemed to complicate everything again. Sars CoV-2 vaccines are already being applied (USA, UK, China, Russia) and in other countries they are already underway; however, it is not yet clear whether everything could serve to protect the world’s population from the emerging variant. Under this premise, Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the main reference in the production of the vaccine that will arrive in Argentina, quickly pointed out: “According to our information, Sputnik V will be as effective against the new variant of coronavirus found in Europe as against existing strainsHe added: “Sputnik V has proven to be effective over a period of time despite previous mutations in the virus.”

For Hozbor, it’s time to deploy new lines of analysis and testing. “Regarding vaccines, they should compare this new variant with the sera of vaccinated individuals. In this way, the scientific teams who carry out the tests for the various drugs were able to verify their neutralizing power. Everything remains to be seen ”. Meanwhile, events unfold so quickly that any statement risks becoming provisional.

Can you get to Argentina?

he government by Alberto Fernández reacted quickly in the same direction as other countries and to the situation in Great Britain ordered the cancellation of flights from London to Buenos Aires. The last plane from the British capital arrived in Ezeiza on Monday morning and passengers and crew were received with strict security protocol.

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Those who arrived aboard British Airways flight BA245 not only had to prove the PCR test with a negative result and covid insurance required to enter Argentina, but they also had to comply with a 7-day quarantine.

The coronavirus has so far shown that, anyway, keep your guard. To the risk of entry of the new strain is added that of the appearance of a local variant. Faced with this scenario, it is imperative to maintain care and impose restrictions in the event of a new epidemic.


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