What we know and what we don’t know about the new strain of coronavir …


The new strain of coronavirus detected in the United Kingdom it generated alarm around the world. The speed with which the new variant of SARS-CoV-2 has spread to southern England has forced UK authorities to reimpose severe restrictions and many countries, including Argentina, have suspended flights to destinations and from Great Britain. Researchers began working against the clock as soon as it was known to exist to try to decipher the mutation and determine what its true impact is. These surveys have already provided data, although many questions still arise in this regard..

● The variant is called B.1.1.7 and transmits 70% faster than the known. Of those newly infected with covid-19 in the UK, 62% presented the new strain SARS-CoV-2. These data indicate that the mutation replaces previous versions of the virus.

● Although the new strain spreads faster, which increases the rate of infection, There is no information enough to support that infections are more serious or fatal.

● Scientists have determined that variant B.1.1.7 has 23 mutations in the 30,000 letters that make up the genetic text of SARS-CoV-2.

● The the variations of this new strain are in the S protein virus, which binds to cell receptors and provides access to the cells of the infected person.

The origin of the new coronavirus mutation

The one detected in the UK not the first variant of SARS-CoV-2. Variations of any type of virus are frequent and that of this coronavirus which has plunged the world into an unprecedented health crisis is no exception. In reality, the virus that is at the root of everything in the Chinese city of Wuhan differs from the one present today in most places on the planet.

Researchers they don’t know where it comes from. Yes they recorded it was first detected in September.

The new strain could have arisen in a British patient or could have been imported by a person who came to the United Kingdom from a country without a greater capacity to control the mutations of the coronavirus. Scientists believe it could have been from a patient with a weakened immune system who had the conditions for the virus to change.

he the first registration of the SARS-CoV-2 mutation dates soon after the outbreak of the pandemic. In Spain, a variation was also detected which transcends the borders of this country. AND Nowadays, there is a variant in South Africa, called 501.V2., Which is closely followed by scientists and has similar characteristics to those in the UK..

It is also a mutation of the virus that causes covid-19 that has been detected in mink farms in Denmark and has led the authorities in this country to euthanize hundreds of thousands of these animals.

Can you get to Argentina?

he government by Alberto Fernández reacted quickly in the same direction as other countries and to the situation in Great Britain ordered the cancellation of flights from London to Buenos Aires. The last plane from the British capital arrived in Ezeiza on Monday morning and passengers and crew were received with strict security protocol.

Those who arrived aboard British Airways flight BA245 not only had to prove the PCR test with a negative result and covid insurance required to enter Argentina, but they also had to comply with a 7-day quarantine.

The coronavirus has so far shown that, anyway, keep your guard. To the risk of entry of the new strain is added that of the appearance of a local variant. Faced with this scenario, it is imperative to maintain care and impose restrictions in the event of a new epidemic.

Can the coronavirus mutation affect vaccines?

Viral mutations are common. The point to consider is how it mutates and whether you are doing it in a way that can make vaccines more difficult.

Against some variants, the more advanced vaccines should have no drawbacks and would work with the same efficiency. Experts warn, however, that this is an issue to consider as there are mutations that could reduce the ability to prevent covid-19.


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