What were the biggest breakdowns in history


After a Sunday without light in Argentina, we will shed some light on humanity's past to find out what have been the biggest blackouts in the world.

The trip with the time machine begins on November 9, 1965 and finds its place in the northeastern United States and in a part of Canada. There, the electricity network collapsed and the protection systems failed. The breakdown lasted 14 hours and affected 30 million people.

Eleven years later, on July 20, 1976, the city of Ledesma in Jujuy lived in the dark for a week. Soldiers took the side of kidnapping 400 trade unionists, workers and ordinary citizens who, for the uniforms, were "enemies" of the dictatorship.

A year later in New York, on the same date, July 13 and 14, 1977, a storm destroyed a transformer for 26 hours. About 10 million people have been affected.

New York without light. (AP)

During this situation, 1,600 companies were damaged and burned, as well as looting and theft. The damage is $ 300 million.

The longest

For 138 days, residents of the Draper town, located in Utah, United States, were deprived of electricity. It all started when the prisoners in Draper Prison burned garbage and a supply failure caused an explosion.

The high voltage cables were devoured by the flames and more than a million people were deprived of light for four and a half months.

Sweden is another country that has long been without light. The problem began on December 27, 1983, and ended on March 24, 1984 when two-thirds of the power grid in that country fell short in a transformer.

More than 4,500,000 people have been affected.


Users of Edesur suffered a major break on February 15, 1999 at 4 am and only saw the light on February 26th.

The people affected were more than 600,000 users. It was all due to a failure of the substation's high-voltage cable in San Telmo.

Buenos Aires without light (Clairon)

More cuts

In the same year, in Brazil, 97 million people suffered a blackout. It all began on March 11 and ended on June 22 when lightning struck an electrical substation in San Pablo.

The country's two largest cities, San Pablo and Rio de Janeiro, were paralyzed and the government sent 1,200 military policemen to the streets to prevent looting.

In 2001, more than 230 million people in India were left in the dark for 18 hours. It was estimated that the losses on that day were $ 90 million. The reason? The oviposition of the north of the country has collapsed.

Iran also joins the list of major power cuts. That's what happened between May 20 and August 28, 2001, when 30 million people were without power for 100 days.

Economic disaster

In the United States, on August 14 and 16, 2003, 50 million people were affected by a power outage and the damage amounted to $ 6 billion.

It all started with the disconnection of a high-voltage line in Ohio.

Russia is also part of the long list of countries affected by power outages: two million people in Moscow broke down between May 25 and August 3, 2005.


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