What will Angela Merkel do when she leaves the German Chancellery?


Angela Merkel, one of the most respected political figures, sees her future away from the German Chancellery.
Angela Merkel, one of the most respected political figures, sees her future away from the German Chancellery.

While the official candidate, Armin LaschetSee how any attempt to take over the Chancellery collapses, leaving room for the Social Democrats Olaf Scholz achieve a government alliance, the future of Angela Merkel it is the highest curiosity of the Germans.

The current Chancellor will only lead the government for a few more weeks, while waiting for her successor to be defined. Until then, tenure calculations include data that if he is in office until December 17, 2021, he could overtake the former chancellor. Helmut Kohl as head of government with the longest term.

With a the conciliatory and discreet style built a solid path which culminated at the top of the European leadership, being a key link so that the chain that keeps the European Union linked does not break.

But what will Angela Merkel do next? The clues for the near future, at least for the German press, are more linked to calculations in retirement than to a professional destination.

According to a book by the Taxpayers’ Federation, you will receive a monthly retirement pension of around 15,000 euros after your departure. This pension will be the result of her long membership in the Bundestag and her tenure as Federal Minister and Chancellor., the organization calculated on demand on Friday from the portal “The Pioneer”.

While Merkel’s popularity is high, the chances are low, at least in the short term, that she will be in public office. However, like all former Chancellors and Federal Presidents, Merkel will also be entitled to a position. In addition, an office, two assistants or advisers, a secretary and a driver will be funded, in addition to the custodians that the German security services may consider.

Your retirement income is pension rights regulated by law. By virtue of his membership in the Bundestag, he comes under the law of representatives, by virtue of his membership of the federal government by virtue of the law of federal ministers.

Regulated by Article 20 of the Members ‘Act, Merkel, for example, would be entitled to a maximum amount of 65% of the members’ allowance for about 31 years in parliament. However, the different pension rights offset each other.

Angela Merkel "picoteada" at the Marlow Bird Park in Marlow, Germany.
Angela Merkel “pecked” at the Marlow Bird Park in Marlow, Germany.

Regarding personal activity, and being a woman who has expressed a taste for household chores, Merkel has tested a few clues. In July, during a visit to Washington, he was asked how he imagines his life after leaving power. While he repeatedly responded evasively, this time he hinted that he wanted to take a break first and not accept the offers.

Meanwhile, Merkel steps down with approval enviable for any political leader: its popularity has reached 70% in the latest polls, with peaks of almost 90 in April of last year. Looking at what happened with Laschet, it would have been a “paperwork” for his continuity if he had wanted to.

The first task you will be faced with is doing things yourself. In this regard, he said: “I think I’m going to like it a lot.” Cooking potato soup or plum cakes, a German recipe, may be among your immediate plans.

Her journey is well known: her childhood as the daughter of a pastor in the German Democratic Republic. His youth, forging a reserved but determined personality. His dedication to science. Then his arrival in politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a rapid eruption under the tutelage of Helmut Kohl. Reach the top, leading Germany in 2005, until retirement.

However, detached from the privileges granted by power, she left the chancellery in a few weeks. He retires with too many secrets about his future but also about his life. Captivating, Merkel was a woman who knew how to profess sobriety.


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