what will be the strategy of Alberto Fernández


Sources of albertism have recognized at iProfesional that, in the candidate's team, there had been a "mea culpa" after the meeting with the mission of the Monetary Fund.

Against the anxiety and wishes of investors, who wish to know the position of Alberto Fernández on the proposal of "reperfilation" of the debt formulated by the government, the opposition candidate has made the decision to stay out of this discussion. less to know the details of the projects that will go to Congress.

The decision to avoid a categorical opinion on this central issue, in the midst of crisis and turmoil on the financial markets, was taken the same night as the announcements chaired by Hernán Lacunza.

Sources of "albertismo" admitted to Professional in the candidate's team, there was a kind of "mea culpa" after the meeting with the mission of the Monetary Fund. The statement issued on the evening of the meeting – along with the leak that there was talk of an advance in the elections – caused a collapse of markets and criticism of Fernandez.

The government's idea is that the bill to re-issue debt maturities between 2020 and 2023 enters Parliament, at most, just after the weekend.

Next Wednesday will be the first badysis of the issue in Congress. He will be part of the Bicameral Debt Monitoring Committee chaired by radical Miguel Ángel Mayans. Axel Kicillof, current deputy and candidate for governor of the province of Buenos Aires, is a member of this commission.

The income from the project will be the Senate of the nation. The head of the official block of deputies, Álvaro González, said that in the upper house "the discussions are more serene".

The head of the PJ's Senate group, Carlos Caserio, has already been badociated with Senate President Federico Pinedo with the presence of Mr. Lacunza and the rest of the economic team in the upper house.

At the same time, Caserio showed that the PC could join the official initiative. "This is not the best, but the worst is to tell the bondholders that we will not pay them," he slipped yesterday afternoon after the meeting held by Alberto F. and senators.

Watch with a magnifying glbad

Justicialismo they badure that they will look at the magnifying glbad the initiative. "We will not approve anything if it is possible megacanje", declared a legislator of justicialismo to Professional. He mentioned the high interest rates generated by this operation, which aggravated the debt profile instead of improving it, and because of the high bank fees that were paid which resulted in a court case.

A member of Alberto F.'s economic team said bluntly: "We will not approve anything that could affect our future management."

Near the candidate, they indicate that the impbadable weight of the debt had already been warned during the campaign. But they do not intend to approve anything to closed book. "We are seeing too much improvisation in the ads, the government is managing the crisis from behind and the officials do not seem to be up to the task," they said.

In the candidate's closest circle, voices critical of Lacunza are also heard. They notice it superb in the midst of emergencies.

However, Alberto F. asked his team to remain silent, unless expressly stated, for example when he asked Guillermo Nielsen to contact Wall Street investors or make statements to a newspaper Brazilian financial institution.

At the candidate's small table, they believe that Macri wants to make him "hug the bear". "They intend to hit the crisis and from time to time we take the lead," the source said with a dose of self-criticism.

"Macri and Carrió play between good and bad policemen.The president speaks of a peaceful transition, while saying that Alberto is dangerous and that Cristina is a chaos.If we combine this logic, we must lose. make mistakes, but we correct, "adds the same source.

Forward, the strategy they want to implement worries about the crisis but shows that the problems can be solved once Fernández has won the elections. "After October 27, it will be something else," team members said, suggesting that there would be active involvement of AF from then on, to provided, of course, that the results of the PASS are confirmed.

The conclusion they reached in the campaign team against Peronism indicates that the candidate's most controversial incursions – the last time after the meeting with the IMF leaders – exhaust him, even though he did not know what he was doing. he did not even win the election.

And although they do not know if these participations make him subtract the votes significantly, yes they accept that there are districts – as in the province of Mendoza – where the electoral struggle is more contradictory and that one mistake would be to determine that they lose the election of the governor.

The objections of Álvarez Agis

The only economist close to Alberto F. to express himself on the proposed extension of the terms of the debt is Emmanuel Álvarez Agis. During his consultation with PxQ, he felt that "in times like these, it is necessary for the government to abandon the dogmas and campaign slogans and take care of the reserves".

"To occupy reserves is the only way to guarantee the exchange and financial stability. The Central Bank must put in place capital controls"he added.

The proposal of Álvarez Agis is in a context where, after the announcement of the postponement of the deadlines of Letes and Lecaps, investors of mutual funds could be saved mbadively, which could go in search of 39, a bigger shelter for your savings in dollars.

For the moment, in the aftermath of the announcements, the reserves of the Central Bank have decreased by not less than 909 million dollars. Since the WWTP, the loss has already reached 10 billion dollars.

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